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A member registered Nov 11, 2020

Recent community posts

the game is still under construction, so maybe you have unlocked all accessible areas.

there is a wiki online.

it helps a lot for new players

I think I would like both versions, but mostly the original one.

Lilith is absolutely great!

the menu at game start should work like in the online version

when you unlocked the hut and the diary, you can save your progress.

open the diary and find the save button at the top left.

I don't think so.

It seems master Nono has been very busy the bast months, but I am waiting for the progress and the new lines for Octoseal. (Octoseal is one of my favorites)

I will give it a few weeks, since the flash problem might also be an issue.

Maybe the guys know some other way, I just try by nursing the injuries away.

They will feed themselves.

You need food for invasions of other territories.

the use of different food for bonding and stuff is still to be implemented.

I dont need to come back anymore...

to see you whimpish, awful and honorless enough for the psychosis of homophobia, is a true delight.

just be your own self, and I can laugh all day about your puny  fears.


why would I have to prove anything to a person with the weakness to develop homophobia?

Ticks are superior to them.

Thinking of it, this explains the hatred against a game and people who like it.

so much hurt... but please, vent!

I hope some parent is proud of...all this elegance.


wow, that seems to be exactly the guy and behavior...


Master Nono met my stuff 100!

it really is beautifull!


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I think you might ask native americans again, after christian seafaring.

what about south america, crusades, witch trials inquisition, all the great war minions for the church...oh and the top cult raping children since ever!

only to mention the tip of the iceberg.

dream on cultist...!

but I swear we will talk, when a religion stops it's cults from all this typical missionary bullshit and from raping children.

Our Adolf fans are gone and we keep em gone now, The rape clerics of blood church are getting richer and the cases of raped children get more, since decades.

and of course you will say that is not my church or something else.

and so I expect no responsibillity from you.´

and again it is no wonder, a christian doesn't know what is written in the damn book, again and again and again and again and again and..

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since you bring up moms:

At least your mom did a good job raising you, with al this decent  and calm behavior. She can be proud, how you represent her education.

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of course I hate the greatest cult of blood, death, rape, genocide, slavery, jihad, invasion, child abuse and child rape in all history and their root of evil in book form.

who wouldn't?

oh, but on the other hand...who did I just ask?

silly me!

...and your Messiah was a fundamental jew, like he must be, since christianity started as a stricly jewish cult and Yeshua said, that he is sent to David's people, and other people are merely the dogs to the true jewish masters on earth.

you find this in matthew 15: 21-28

and of course you did not read it.

and of course your imaginary friend did not return, like he promised, within the generation that lived during his cruzification.

it's a fairytale for the fragile patriarchy and for book burning warlords, like konstantin was.

Gotta love the cultists for their slapstick, but you all need Dionysos in your lifes!


You are right, the game is great!

you don't know the best and most hilarious part:

Drifone and his hate group cloned my account, because they were so angry at me for defending the game.

so I had to change my name a bit and reported each comment of the cowards naming Drifone as main suspect.

They are so low, they'd shoot a person in the back.

exact the same thing I thought about the bible...

Nah, I just think y'all act like a grumpy grandpa.

and I love the slapstick of hatemongers.


then lets call it the mindset of a boomers catholic grandma.

sincerely, GenX

can I have more of your kinkshamer wrath, please?

it arouses perverts like me.


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 very close.

my hobby is just watching militant prudes freak out about other people's kinks,

I call it whimp watching.

and now go on with the wrath please!


because english is not my first language?

...try harder, haters!

my coffee tastes better and better :D

...oh, Drifone brought his boomer friends.

Lovely, how aggressive and redundant they get.

Something must hurt them.

Another badge of honor for this wonderful game.

Guten Abend!

I am playing since version 4.02 and I asolutely love your game!

Lilith is such a lovable character, that I am eager to send her to new adventures or bondings.

The monster species are great and I like how different they are and behave.

As a perverted fantasy porn lover since 2 decades I have to say, this game will be close to perfect, once you are done with it.

I want to do some 3d paper mache models of the tentacle species, when I have more freetime.

I am a Tentacle Thrives fanboy now!

Greetings from Germany