The game is great but i have some feedback about the player movements/controls:
- Jumping is really weird, you reach the peek of your jump too fast, and that makes hard to execute, especially from a non-moving position (you can especially si that in the hard mode)
- The player takes too much to reach max speed, as a result it's hard to control with precision your movement (and jump, as explained earlier)
- The player takes too much to stop, as a result the player feels like it's sliding on an icy floor
- When the player gives some mail doesn't feel floatier, just his jump increases. That doesn't make much sense imo, but i can understand that from a design side :/
- I don't like very much control where you have the jump in the 4 cardinal movement things. Idk why, i just feel more in control if i have them separated in another key (like Spaceor Z, for naming a few)