Hey, cute game, cute art style. Overall I think you did a great job of the art and sound. Regarding feedback on art, the things that stand out to me would be:
- If you're going to use outlines on your art (normally a good choice), they should be a consistent size across all your sprites. Keeps your sprites looking like they're one consistent group, and not looking like a hodge podge collection (though yours aren't nearly that bad).
- The wood texture is a bit strong, it cuts into the readability of the text above it a bit. Tone back the darker lines a little and it'd be fine.
- The pale creamy coloured outline on some of the things gets lost a little in the sky blue background. I think the brown you use as the outline for most of your sprites would make a better choice.
Overall though, something to be proud of. I think, if you weren't confident of your work before this, you should leave this jam confident you've got it in the future. I'm a real fan of these colours, though I want to see more of the teal in your logo used as well. There are some little nuances around shadows and shading that are a step above. And as a whole, the overall style makes a great package.
I think more programmers (myself included) should make the effort to better their art and sound prod skills. So well done.