Haha thanks! It definitely could use some more polish but I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. As for the procedural animation, it's something I've been really trying to figure out since I started making games. I found a short video a while back that explains how to do it in a few steps. I think the video was by Codeer on youtube so definitely look him up. So that video got me thinking on how to get those steps to work, and what I ended up doing was making a limb in blender, and then using Inverse Kinematics in unity to attach the leg to another object (the body). With the IK you can set the target of the limb as a point on the body which makes it really easy, and then you can set a target point for the end of the limb that's on the ground and then change it based on the distance from the target. I know I just butchered that explanation haha so I would definitely look up that video up and go from there. Thank you for playing!