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Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for deleting my review, it just goes to show, how proud you are of being the developer of a lump of code that even Santa would stray away from. If you don't like bad feedback, don't post games, simple as that. You post them, so you subject yourself to any kind of criticism, both good and/or bad.

You can look at my games all you want if it makes yourself better about your complete lackluster of skills, but we both know that just because you think it doesn't make it true, specially going on the fact that I only have 2 things published on this account that are clearly sattire trash as mentioned in the descriptions, but r/wooosh I guess?

You're not doing better than me, not even close. I've seen people with mental disabilities pull off something that actually works, because this is just the incarnation of paper taped to more paper and then called a modern art sculpture. I looked at this game and all I can say is that this isn't a game, this is what you'd get of playing around with Unity in a couple of hours in one day. Even my sister can pull this off in a couple of days of training but better, it's seriously that bad, and it shocks me that you're trying to defend it rather than admiting that it's just a lump of unplayable trash.

Let's look at it again, shall we?

1 - The map is just some plonked down buildings, which you very likely didn't make it yourself in baby's first landscape as it is full of lumps every 10 steps with some basic painted path, at least you used normals, but not gonna give you credits for that because I have huge doubts you even generated those normals yourself.

2 - All you can do is walk and shoot a gun, a gun that you can sometimes get by collecting a gold sack. Said gun has an SFX so loud and distorted that might as well be used as a torture device.

3 - There's a healthbar, hunger and thirst bars. Additionally there is roasted chicken and water bottles that magically fall from the sky. Only it's a shame that the chicken and water bottles do nothing, so you're stuck listening to some bored guy complaining how hungry and thirsty he is for about 5 minutes before you inevitably die.

4 - I mentioned there's a healthbar. No idea what's the point of it. You can find some enemies with levels above their heads (most likely a randomly generated number) that just 1shot you every time they reach you. The enemies are cubes with 1 eye. Nothing wrong with that if this was a greybox but from how you're talking "remastered", makes me wonder just what the hell this was before you decided to add trees and some random buildings without interior.

5 - There's also logs that magically fall from the sky which you can't do jack with because the "build mode" is coming soon, assuming there will even be one because based on the rest of this "game", it will either never come or be some poorly implemented tutorial OR be some asset pack from the Unity store.

6 - You don't need a team. You need to learn how to use Unity before you can even think about having any kind of team because if this is what you have to show them, you'll only get people who can do the same kind of garbage or worse than you.

7 - I repeat, this "game" is garbage, don't bother downloading and laugh at their sad attempt of censoring a truthful review of this thing.

TBH in your place I'd just hide all my projects and change the account name until I learned some skills (which isn't hard, but you can be lazy and if you're lazy that's your own fault).

(1 edit) (+2)

Also, you should actually download and play my games before you decide to comment on how they suck and make those claims on here. Pitiful behaviour, but what can you expect from a 10th category "dev".

Enemy level = Enemy hitpoints, a random number from 1 to 300.

By default each shot does 20 damage.

Deleted 4 years ago
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we are good if you dont like our game then simply dont play it and im pretty sure that you sucked too when you started out and plus this is my first team project ill make sure not to delete this comment i guess even though a lot of what you said is wrong. i dont know why you would waste your time writing a whole school essay to make someone feel bad for trying something new


Demonfly Studios

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and we wont listen to some guy that is you we are remaking the game dont worry your comment means nothing thanks

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press "I" to open inventory we dont have a tutorial setup

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im been using unity for 3 years now so yeah