Despite the one bug I encountered (unable to sweep porch by holding E), I did enjoy myself and laughed quite a few times unexpectedly during gameplay. What is the deal with the other farmer?!
** EDIT: Gameplay begins @ 03:50
What I like most about the game are the PSX style graphics and movements. Their faces are what give the game a somewhat surreal feeling; the dialogue reads as though the farmer is a uncharismatic Southerner but yet the face is that of a young man with an intoxicated grin who looks like he'd be more than willing to help anyone fix their broken down car in the middle of nowhere. I love it.
** I greatly appreciate the Follow, but it is not necessary. I followed you after playing The Unknown Road so I'd be able to keep up to date on any new works you publish (and to keep up with future updates). I hope you enjoy the gameplay video but again, there isn't much to see here as I mostly make random gameplay videos...