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So far, (Reminder, My comp is not "pro gaming quality" it's "play flash games and get around the net fine" quality.)

-In the main sewers, Workers area and main dungeon, I'm lagging bad. I count out the seconds and am seeing 2 frames. Literally... one...two.. one...two... Controls take about a half second to register. (AND STILL I CAN JUKE OUT ENEMIES! WOOHOO!!!)
-Goblin Area, not too shabby. (Maybe 5-15 FPS?)
-In battle it does fine. (I guess around 20-30 FPS)
-In the small area with Sewer Worker Jason, I got a huge jump. Was working pretty much fine. (around 15-25 FPS?) Same with Gallery and Animations.
Also note, I turned the shadow quality off.

This is definitely not a game for basic comps right now.

Final note, hope those individual area references helps out.

Thanks again for the detailed feedback. I'm surprised you can even stand to play so much with all those frame drops. I would have probably nope'd out lol.

Disappointing to hear that the starting sewer areas aren't good. I split it up into three sections(Jane Bathing area, Bedroom area, Goblin area) since it used to be all one map. Although I did add more decorations like pipes on the walls, lights, 2 new characters, etc and 3d bed models. It seems like when there are too many characters on one map, it slows things down.
I suppose I could make every bedroom it's own little area but I wonder if all the loading screens would be annoying.
I also upped the default "render distance" option from around 20 to 26. I don't know if you messed with that setting but maybe lowering that could help.

The lower sewers/dungeon area, I already split in half once but I think I'm going to split it in half again since even I had some issues there when I spawned too many monsters in it, I had to remove some of them.