Thanks for playing! The biggest hurdles for me were to focus on the essential mechanics and transfer those ideas from my head into practice. As a novice programmer those issues were also compounded with me stumbling around in the dark when trying to code (at least for the beginning!) There are definitely things that I know need work but this was a good project for me to cut my teeth on. Onto the next game!
As for the objective, I'd originally had a matching mechanic but that felt a little frustratingly constrained in a 64x64 canvas when RNG would give a string of one type of food. To try and work around that I tweaked the matching mechanics a little so that instead, the customers on the right will display the food they DON'T want,leaving you open with two other options. I still stand by that mechanic but I think the thing I'd definitely change is how those rules are communicated. I wanted to focus on an intuitive type of learning through gameplay and visuals but that fell short in a few places. If we're still allowed to adjust I'm probably going to put a giant red X on customer food so it's a liiiiitle more obvious.