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(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

Excellent writing in this game/VN! Also very relatable to me, as I'm approx of the protagonist's age and worked in several schools and universities. After playing for some 5-6 hours I suddenly understood that this not as much a porn game but rather a game about relationships, mostly likely written by a female writer (or at least with female devs on the team). It also does a great job showing how hellish it actually is for a male to work in a fully- or almost fully-female collective. All the politics, and balancing things like "popularity", "discipline" and "grades", and the mediocrity and the small scale of it all. Normally, all this is female stuff and bores/annoys men to death. Think Walter White in his chemistry teacher job after founding 2.1bln-worth Gray Matter. The superb, mature and smart writing of this game helps you get thru this hell. I wish they could get awards for this game. This is truly a rare case when I actually thoroughly enjoyed reading in-game texts!

If you like your headmaster to have exactly your age: In the "cheat"-editor (press red button three times, later you can use shift-o) enter:


or whatever - but it has to be a string (in "), not a plain integer.

amy.age = "104" etc. should also work 

also interesting:


or any other name...