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A member registered Sep 16, 2018

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(2 edits)

I'm impressed with the quality of the graphics (highly detailed 3D models) which are almost photorealistic. Also extreme customizability of the models. You can basically record an animated porn video where you are the director.

The downside (for me, but not for every player!) is that there is essentially no gameplay. It's more like a video editor / 3D porn scene editor. I mean, in a game there is usually some win condition, loss condition, rules, score, progress, or whatever. Here it's a complicated simulation / Lego constructor with no goals or limitations. This was probably the dev's intent. However, maybe it's not even that difficult to add some gameplay atop the existing systems? I dunno what it could be - it's up for the dev to decide if he'd want it (and I admit that it's difficult to think up meaningful gameplay for adult games). The "free scene editor" would then turn into an additional mode, like e.g. you have mission editors in strategy games.

An interesting project to follow!

This game has good potential. The music is great! The main issue right now is that the outcomes of fights aren't clear. E.g. I was surprised when my ships couldn't fly away and were instead attacked - and didn't even retaliate! The exact rules of the fight are never clear. I read that it's resolved in "alternating fashion" but what does that mean? At the very least you need to show numbers near arrows - to see in what order your units will execute them. Then resolve fights step by step (also the shots). Maybe even reveal the enemy orders (with their numbers). I gave up in mission 2 (where there are 3 planets at the top and 3 at the bottom) because I couldn't understand the rules how combat is resolved.

(1 edit)

Excellent writing in this game/VN! Also very relatable to me, as I'm approx of the protagonist's age and worked in several schools and universities. After playing for some 5-6 hours I suddenly understood that this not as much a porn game but rather a game about relationships, mostly likely written by a female writer (or at least with female devs on the team). It also does a great job showing how hellish it actually is for a male to work in a fully- or almost fully-female collective. All the politics, and balancing things like "popularity", "discipline" and "grades", and the mediocrity and the small scale of it all. Normally, all this is female stuff and bores/annoys men to death. Think Walter White in his chemistry teacher job after founding 2.1bln-worth Gray Matter. The superb, mature and smart writing of this game helps you get thru this hell. I wish they could get awards for this game. This is truly a rare case when I actually thoroughly enjoyed reading in-game texts!

(1 edit)

Hi, I've tried out the game and I quite like it. The RPG system seems pretty complex, at least by porn game standards. I got to the village so far. While playing, I made notes on what I'd change if I were the dev here... Maybe you can find them useful.

- i'd recommend adding some sex scene at the very beginning of the game. E.g. a simple masturbation scene of the main character
- inventory somewhat uncomfortable to use. Currently need to click on the item to pick it up form a slot. Instead, simply mouse down (start dragging) should do it, and releasing the mouse should release the item. Instead of "Inspect" just a right click should open that info dialog. And for item deletion there could be a "delete" area where you drag the item to delete it (with a confirmation popup)
- by default the character should be running. Not sure walk speed is even needed at all (Shift button isn't needed). Though if you wanted walking for the narrative, maybe an option "Run by default" (and holding shift makes the character walk)
- must allow to zoom in/out camera. I'd zoom out at least x2 by default to have a better view of the level. It's especially important in combat because camera can't be freely scrolled and an enemy 4 tiles away (for a rock throw) will usually be covered by order buttons and thus can't be attacked!
- when mouse over interactable items (like berry bushes) they should get a highlight or contour highlight or a tooltip. That's even more important for big reward stashes which may be in objects which are normally cannot be interacted with (like tents)
- high trees seem to also block tiles behind them - not sure it's a big issue but it feels like lazy design
- during combat, movement should be the default action that's auto-selected at turn start. Simple attack should be performed just when you click the enemy. Use item and special ability do require the extra buttons though. Movement highlight should consist of distinct tiles, not just flat fill, to better show tiling
- auto-end turn in combat when no action points left?
- sex scenes would get a lot from even some minimal bouncing animations (just 3 frames would be enough) and sound effects
- menu should be opened by Esc instead of M. Map with M
- map should show current location of the party on it!

A special note of the graphics of the sex scenes: they are generally good, and even their somewhat blurry style fits the fantasy/fairy setting well but then you should probably also make the environment tiles in a similar blurry style. Currently they are at a mismatch.

On a personal note, I'd prefer less wordy dialogs but it may be just because I'm not much into fantasy...

Anyway, good job so far, this project has potential!

Excellent :) It's actually one of the most enjoyable games I've played in the last few years. It's a mix of TBS (my fav genre) and porn (fav setting :). Also, the writing is surprisingly good, and though I rarely, if ever read stories in games, here I got sucked in and about 2 hours into the game noticed that, although being a game dev, I stopped analyzing the game and am truly enjoying it. 

On a personal note, I'm not a fan of fantasy setting in general, so I'd probably like it even more if it were sci-fi, modern, near future, or post-apocalyptic. Though well.. succubus is a fantasy creature and it's the core concept here. 

I'm genuinely interested how this game performs commercially after release. As much as I love this game, I fear it might fail simply because TBS is too niche, or that the gfx, though functional and actually quite cute for my liking, won't look "high budget" or "artsy" enough to make your average player pay... 

The rect grid is fine with me btw. What I'd probably change if I were the dev on this is make the GUI larger, with bigger buttons for an easier port to mobile. Also, more helpful tips and probably static dialogs to show enemy stats. Right now during the fight it's not really clear how much dmg enemies will take from spells, or the succubus will take from attacks - though this might not be vital since it seems the combat part is about keeping up those heart points and mind controlling/seducing as many mobs as possible.