It may be a little game so far, but it's a nice little game!
For a start, the models are looking nice. Simplistic and stylized, but they work. Plus that soft "hand drawn" shader that gives everything rough sketch lines completes that look of this fable-like wonder. The initial animation was cute too!
I do like the addition of the "snow ball" segments to that first level - It was a long walk for a while, and that addition made it a bit more interesting.
The end felt so promising! Arriving at that door, it opens, and then the sudden transition... what a shame it ends right there! I was amazed by that total change of mood, both in controls and look of the world. I was yearning to see what else would happen ahah
The final room was also nice to explore, even if you can't do anything - you scattered some nice details around. That pizza looks so sad tho...
Shame there isn't music or audio, but it's understandable considering the close deadline and the amount of work put in other areas.
If you're considering continuing this after the Jam, you definitely have my encouragement!
Also yeah, that's a nice easter egg at the start ;)