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A member registered Apr 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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To note, you don't mention F to Interact in the description of the game. Was a little lost at the start not knowing how to open the door...

Otherwise, things being unfinished is understandable for a game jam!

For a first build, this seems pretty promising. I like that catwalk level right before the ending, and the view outside the window of the intro is pretty neat. 

I would suggest a way to make it easier to change from walking to shooting, as it takes a couple taps to switch around in this build.

Nice work regardless!

Hmm an hour, maybe an hour and a half. Hard to tell, because I accidentally refreshed the page and had to start again after collecting 11 stars (whoops).

It is long, but I found that very charming - gives you time to be immersed, and all the pieces have their moment to shine without rushing. 

And I'm happy I could tell you your hard work mattered :) 

What can I say? This is a fantastic game.

The level design is fantastic - you are deeply lost, until you start paying attention and notice how things interconnect. I love that every piece has some indications to find more and more anomalies - the trails of asteroids, the cube...

Plus, it's got so much content - you never know what you'll find next along the way. It made the game very interesting, and actually a little unnerving. Encapsulated the beauty and sorrow of the unknown perfectly.

And the ending... oh boy.

I could praise it on and on - suffice it to say, it's a great entry.

(1 edit)

I enjoyed this very much! 

Has a nice little hint of narrative, the level design has a very good sense of scaling with the wider enemies, complex mazes and stronger enemies. Love the possibility to buy weapons and armor, and you even managed to setup a final battle!

And also a very useful minimap, glad that was added in.

Overall a great entry!

What a cute game! 

Looks very good, some very nice isometric graphics and the character is simple but works pretty well.

The controls take a little bit of focus, but after you grasp them correctly it's pretty fun to navigate the mazes as fast as you can.

Good entry! And I always love a game that lets me brag about how high I scored...

Even if it doesn't feel perfect, I think this is a pretty nice game!

Sometimes it's hard to face the enemy how you want and the boss is VERY hard, but I found it a valiant effort of making something very much Zelda-like in design and I found it pretty fun.

I even managed to finish it and witnessed the ending monologue lol.

Good entry!

Once you get the hang of it, it's a good card game with a nice sense of strategy. The switching position button is very useful, tho it doesn't feel too useful because it's more about the cards you place - good balancing in that regard.

The AI art is interesting to look at and the cards have some pretty funny names.

I thought it was fun, so good job!

Oh I think you did a fantastic job with this one.

It's perfectly nice and simple, and I like the intro that adds just a bit of background. 

The color scheme is used very well, and I love the use of silhouettes.

I found it slightly difficult to understand how the fishing timing worked, but I managed to get a combo of 5. Plus, i finished the collection!

... also I think the music doesn't loop forever, after playing a while it went quiet.

Besides that, it's a very good entry - Great work!

Is this your first big project in Pico-8? Because this is very a very good result!

Initially I found it a bit strange you could shoot in one direction, but after figuring out the direction depends on where your ship is facing, it got a lot easier. The resource-collection system is very cool too - adds a great interaction.

I love following maps in games and this worked really well. 

Also I went to the spot on the map with the cat swimming and didn't find anything. Not even a little easter egg? Ahah, just kidding...

Great entry!

Honestly, this is so creative and out-of-the-box that I can't help but really appreciate it.

Plus, the game is actually nice to look at, and the lofi beats really help.

What a nice game.

The pixel art looks great, with just a good palette and just a bit of shading that adds depth. Caring for yourself and your little sister was a nice mechanic, trying to think both of moving forward and being careful.

The fact you can deflect bullets added a lot to it too, I think! Just looks very satisfying.

The Final Battle is a bit hard, considering you go forward just a little bit for each attack and it becomes a bit too easy to just step into its hitbox. But understanding you can just deflect the bullets made the fight a lot better.

Awesome entry!

Now this is a very interesting game. 

Great visuals, the designs of each god and the crowds getting destroyed by meteorites was quite a sight! And the system of syllables make the game so interesting.

Dividing long words into each syllable must've been a pretty interesting programming challenge, too. Really like that end result.

I also like the feeling of the game. It's a bit intense, but at the same time feels rather calm? just looking for the right sound across the screen.

Sometimes the syllables to overlap eachother and it's both a bit difficult to tell what the letters are, and to click on what you want. I do think the feeling of "crowded" adds to the game tho.

Very good entry, I loved it! 

I just hope Patamomupotupumato will be safe. 

Now this is a very good concept! And lovely character art overall.

I do like that very... casual attitude toward the choices. How the characters will explain the choice in a way that seems fair. Makes an otherwise sad topic a bit more tranquil.

I could see something like this become bigger, to give you lots of little situations to judge.

Great entry!

A nice little puzzle game! Almost relaxing - but not easy!

Looks very clean, with the good pixel-art and the very well-defined step movements of the player. 

I can tell you spent some time on level design, those last few levels were really challenging and satisfying to clear. 

It was a fun exercise, and a solid Jam Entry!

Now this is a very good take on the limitation!

Health as Tools - and each different heart of your health bar has their own ATK and Range! A very neat idea, and the visuals for the game are also pretty neat too. Maybe could be toned down to make it a tad smoother.

Are the levels randomly generated? I noticed a few times I'd open a chest, and when walking over the heart to collect it I'd discover the chest was hiding the stairs, making me go forward when I wasn't ready yet. A minor hiccup in the generation, just thought I'd point it out.

Lovely art, good gameplay idea! It's a solid entry overall.


Fantastic mood, with the SFX and the screen itself. The retro text-adventure feel to it was very well done, and it served the experience well.

The text descriptions I feel also gave it that slight horror feel, where you can't see exactly what's happening but know it's not good.

And... what an ending. 

I was not expecting it to hit me so hard.

Looks simple, but has some good thought and challenge put into it. Awesome entry!

Not a bad entry at all.

I really like the main character sprite and the animations it has. Music and SFX added were also a good addition.

The fighting is simple, but it works well! The option to shoot out your blood to attack the skeletons is pretty cool. A few things like the blood shot and biting stunned enemies only work toward the right, but that's an understandable time-constraint concession.

And just when I was thinking the challenge wasn't ramping up, the Satyr absolutely tricked me.

Awesome entry - and happy to say I beat it!

Oooooooh alright then, that's what it meant

Thank you very much for the clarification!

Hello, I wanted to ask for just a little bit of clarification

is an endless game intended as a game where you can't die and just go on as long as you want to, 

or is it like a retro arcade game where the game loop gets harder and harder until the player succumbs? 

Thank you in advance!

What a fantastic Pico8 game, honestly! So many different screens, very good pixelart, and a great sense of progression. Love the scrolling screen to transition between sections.

I found it strange that I couldn't backtrack, but it made sense on the end-screen where you get your final time and collected items. Maybe putting that in the description of the game would clarify it being part of the challenge and not let you wonder why?

I'd say the way you can grow and un-grown certain plants is not only satisfying, but counts for the limitation! 

Awesome work, love it!

The pangs of pain at the slightest mistake. 

Imagining the phrase to say before saying it out loud.

The "Doctors Appointment" screen with all the info written down in front of you.

Social Interaction Simulator is the perfect title, because this is spot on at representing it. And of course you proposed all the possible worst case scenario where the conversation goes on and on and on... 

And the exaggerated crowd reaction that covers your phrase.

Absolutely perfect - Wonderful job!

Lovely little game! Easy, but keeps you busy and working at it.

Juggling each cup to try and bring out more at a time is a good challenge. 

Love that you can straight up throw the cups around (and you will when you are trying to go as fast as you can, attempting to get everything done). Not too hard, but I found it very entertaining. Having a simple series of steps to follow, and trying to do them as fast as I can.

I will say that the Web build seems to have a few quirks. Sometimes I have to reload the page entirely, otherwise no customers will spawn on multiple consecutive runs.

Great work nonetheless - it's a fun game!

Oh, what a game!

It starts off simply enough with the concept of a typing game in Story Mode (and you had won me already when I waited for the tutorial text to advance... only to realize I had to type in the tutorial text!)

But then the game plays around with mechanics beyond your expectations - jumbling letters, undoing written words... You took a good concept, and made it very, very interesting!

Bravo, awesome entry!

I love the graphical style - the simple 3d elements combined with some great looking 2d characters. And can't complain about that title screen! (expect maybe the white title blending with the soft blue background...)

Interesting idea, dividing the game straight in half with managing both the box holders and the box catchers. Multi-tasking is a challenge for me, so I tried my best and stopped at around 300.

What would be needed is more indications of losing lives and overall UI work, to make some things stand out more. 

Good entry nonetheless! Really nice game you have here.

A very nice little game, actually!

I like the concept of indirectly giving resources to a Tower Defence system, and trying to create the needed resource yourself.

And the minigame for that, the sliding puzzle, I found very neat: it's different than the sliding blocks I usually expect, and I thought it felt nice to watch em slide across the screen.

Very relaxing to play really - you lose yourself in the blocks, check to have resources assigned... and just vibe, really. The colors, SFX and music really helps!

Awesome entry overall, I like it a lot!

I really like it, actually!

Very fast paced, quickly gets chaotic, you can't stop even for a sec.

Interesting that you can move around and also play cards on the top screen - even more things to manage than usual! 

It's a rather awesome entry, if I do say so myself!

It really went all out on wanting to be chaotic: so many moving parts all at once, and things just go faster and faster!

And a love the metaphor of chaotic news - very well represented in the sound and visual design to be honest.

Very good!

Now this is a neat idea! Like scrabble, but everything is flying and the letters click together.

It's like the perfect balance of chaos and tranquillity. It looks nice and relaxed, yet you are struggling so much trying to find the next letter you want. And then more and more letters fill up everything...

Ahh, so frustrating, trying to drag a letter to the intended destination, and it clicks with another block and now it's stuck forever!!!

A few bugs where there's strange spaces between clicked letters, but beside that it seems to work fine.

Very fun and challenging, familiar but with a neat twist: good job!

Yay, I managed to reach Wave 15! Once you manage to fully deck out your ship, you can keep going for quite a while.

There's some neat things going on ever here - so many particles! So many in fact, that the game can start lagging slightly, but I guess bullet hell has that appeal. And all the turrets and upgrade system seem to be working correctly, so good work!

Beside the lack of sound effects that would've tied it together well, I noticed you sometimes don't see the enemies on screen? Is it intended that you have to buy either the small or big red turret in order to see them? At least the AI knows where they are... 

plus it's hard to shoot them as the player anyway - they go so fast!

All in all, not a bad game! Would just need some extra finishing touches, but for a Jam entry it's very understandable.

It's actually a very nice concept - oldschool detective story, with a point and click system! I enjoyed the sudden ending twist too - very cool, shame it's short, but it happens in Game Jams.

Just a few puzzles, but well designed I'd say!

A few things to note, I'd say, are clicking points that seem unclear. Objects don't pop out of the scenery much, requiring some good "scrolling all over the screen to see where the mouse detects something"

The drawings don't seem too bad, even if slightly inconsistent. And the player might need at least a walking animation, I feel. And just a cleanup of the UI.

Good entry overall!

I'm still getting confident with music composition, and I should definitely start thinking about making longer tracks. I'm glad you liked them either way. And I do love drawing pixel art cutscenes!

Thanks for the feedback, will keep in mind for the future. And thank you for playing!

A nice little game! 

I love the looks - the scenery out the windows, the look of this classic train and the wooden floor. Plus the sound of outside rain... Gave it this relaxing, familiar yet unnerving feel. Like the game itself mentions - liminal space!

A simple, but touching story about passing... and seeing that it's dedicated to someone in the credits made it particularly sweet.

Movement speed can feel a little slow, but I can't complain, as it matches with the thoughtful feel of the story.

Great entry!

Tried this game a few times - man, it's hard! By log 4 / 5 I easily get overwhelmed.

But you know, I think you've got something with this game!

I like the metaphor of "sinking" under the sea and in sadness, and the desperate battle of keeping afloat. The narration talking about monotony of life while you have to work so hard trying to keep up is a very fitting match.

The graphics are kinda cute! The way the player bobs up and down made me smile, and the sea waves look pretty cool, even if the instruments are kind of mismatched from the boat. Most particles are just colored squares, but I do like their placements and they give a good idea of the scenery.

Also, not watching your telescope sinks the ship apparently! But that's understandable for gameplay reasons, so don't worry.

Microphone quality could be improved - if the game depends on narration, you should be sure there's no problems understandin words. Something to think of for the future, I guess.

Overall, good entry! 

Thank you for playing, I'm glad you liked it so much!

I always test a lot the games I make by myself, so I'm glad it pays out when the players get it.

I think I'll come back to this to at least cleanup and upgrade where needed - not sure if I'll update it more, but it would definitely be cool to.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for playing my game!

I also liked going for the fable style and keeping it lighthearted for this one. 

And thanks! I like working by myself, gives me the right space... and I can bring out some good stuff.

What a nice little game! I haven't seen RPG Maker stuff in a while, so this felt good.

I like the sprites for the protagonist, and the final ghost too! 

Cool that there are chase mechanics involved, even if a bit quirky at times. Some light exploration, and a few scare scenes! Even a good jumpscare that left me a bit jumpy! But I liked it in this case.

Very short, but I feel it played its cards pretty well, unveiling only bits at a time and never over-explaining itself. You're left more to imagine, which I feel works for the ending especially.

In the end, a solid submission - good job!

Oh, I like the look of the game! The sprites, the little animations that the player has...

It's very cool that you get to ask all the characters about themselves and what they think of others, with a final choice of who to accuse

If I can give a critique, is that it would be nice to be able to get to the "accusation" option quicker in subsequent playthroughs, to make it easier to see all different endings. 

Also, some of the lighting sounds seem to be distorted and crackle a lot... not sure if it's just me but you know, might want to check.

Still, it's a good entry, good job!

Ooh, a nice, classic horror visual novel. 

I like the concept of the trapped rooms, and that ghost that seems to have too much fun with his games. Classic!

There's some horror tropes here and there in the story, but I felt it was fine like this: the characters were the more important focus. I found those well written, and uncovering the problems in the group as the scenes go on was interesting.

I liked the minigames with rearranging the words and hangman!

The voice acting was nice in the spots it was present. Some microphone buzzing on Jordan's lines, but for a Jam game it's understandable. It's cool that you manage to voice-act some scenes anyway!

A very enjoyable entry!

Oh, what a lovely visual novel! Despite the story being so tragic...

The visuals are awesome, with the chalkboard look on everything! So charming! And some nice music selection for each section.

Great character designs - Ditte is my absolute favourite!

I thought it was well narrated as well - good descriptions of the scenes, and the way the events combine with eachother I felt was satisfying.

VERY tragic, but I don't mind that!

Solid entry, good job!

Man, what a hard game! It took me two days to beat it!

But I'm glad I did take the time to actually play through it.

Because honestly, there's part of me that really likes this: I can see the ambition that went into it.

The big map with the paths, all the different camps scattered around, NPCs, finding flowers and fighting mutant deer. I did find it impressive, almost brave to develop such a game for a Jam in a short period of time! The focus on exploration was interesting too, as you are left to wander and find things to yourself. 

You've got a solid base, but there's some things to keep in mind when you'll want to improve on this type of game.

First of all - things can be too vague.

Sure, it's nice that I can explore freely, go around where I want. But the few times where the game clearly wants me to head to a specific place, I'm not told!

Most NPCs don't say useful things, and the ones that do are ALSO too vague, and sometimes contradict eachother! I found three separate NPCs that told me "a big one fell" to the north, east and west! And from finishing the game, I know only one of those directions is correct.

The fighting as it isn't isn't exceptionally interesting, and the deer are a bit glitchy - they can push you as they run into you, even going up toward the sky, and even after death they hurt you by being close.

So overall, a very interesting and ambitious game that needs some cleanup and better direction for the player. 

Still, congratulations on making such an interesting game! Despite how hard it was, I had fun tackling it and seeing the ending made me so excited!