This is pretty hard for one boss. I played this game several times and I only beat it once, but I like the game then I played it again, and I did way better, about 8 min and a few deaths, but I definitely did better, I think I'm done with the game for no- oh no, H A R D M O D E. Jokes aside, I like the game, one of the first few PICO games I played. 10/10
edit: hard mode just proved how slow my reaction time is lol. There is ANOTHER PHASE?
edit2: 1 mirror, Nah. 2 mirrors, nope! 6 mirrors: p e r f e c t. and also I keep thinking that the green "bloop" will move further even if the coin blocks the normal one. man, i beat the hard mode, im doing i again, and i SILL suck a This game
edit3: new record: sub 4:10 and 0 deaths in normal mode.
edi4: a new record! 6:55 and 91+ deaths