I love this! The graphics are crude, but in a really stylish way. Maybe garishly gruesome is more accurate? Shooting is responsive, but melee is way too awkward. I suppose that's the point in way, but I could easily lose 2 hearts before managing to hit an enemy. The atmosphere is spot on! I got genuinely spooked at times (although, I'm very easy to scare). The chiptune hum had a lot of tension.
The only problems I had was the camera getting stuck on walls, the player sometimes getting stuck on corners and the aforementioned pathetic melee attack. Also I was dying for a strafe function! Were you going for Resident Evil tank controls? If the camera was better, I think this would be a non-issue, but as it is there's not enough time to plan your movement, like in Resi.
So a few technical quibbles, but otherwise a really impressive entry! Great job!