La ligne 115 pose un problème d' index
local k
for k = 1, #listHills do
local h = listHills[k]
-- sprites for the top of the hill
-----> Map.grid[h.linY][h.colX].texture = "ground" <----
Map.grid[h.linY][h.colX].idText = math.random(16, 18)
local alongWTop
for alongWTop = 1, h.w - 1 do
Map.grid[h.linY][h.colX + alongWTop].texture = "ground"
Map.grid[h.linY][h.colX + alongWTop].idText = math.random(4, 6)
Map.grid[h.linY][h.colX + h.w - 1].texture = "ground"
Map.grid[h.linY][h.colX + h.w - 1].idText = math.random(19, 21)
-- sprites for the inside of the hill
local alongH
for alongH = 1, h.h - 1 do
Map.grid[h.linY + alongH][h.colX].texture = "ground"
Map.grid[h.linY + alongH][h.colX].idText = math.random(7, 9)
local alongWInside
for alongWInside = 1, h.w - 1 do
Map.grid[h.linY + alongH][h.colX + alongWInside].texture = "ground"
Map.grid[h.linY + alongH][h.colX + alongWInside].idText = math.random(1, 3)
Map.grid[h.linY + alongH][h.colX + h.w - 1].texture = "ground"
Map.grid[h.linY + alongH][h.colX + h.w - 1].idText = math.random(10, 12)
-- sprite for the bottom of the hill
local alongWBottom
for alongWBottom = 1, h.w do
Map.grid[h.linY + h.h][h.colX + alongWBottom - 1].idText = math.random(1, 3)