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Apparently, Unreal is planning to release a GDScript-like scripting language. (I'm really looking forward to that because recompiling the entire engine just to avoid Blueprints is an absolute pain and I REEEEEEALLY don't care for visual scripting. Personal Preference.)

C++ is a bit of a pain (I hate writing memory managers), I like C# much better! And using it is definitely one of the reasons Unity took off in the early days. (And GDScript is really just a stripped down version of Python, so I've taught it to people as a gentle step into scripting languages.)

That said, I would encourage anyone who wants to go into AAA development to learn C++ simply because there are a lot of jobs out there looking for that skillset - and it is getting harder to find, which makes it more valuable. It is the backbone of both Unreal and many major titles (World of Warcraft, for example). I tell my students that I recommend any game programmer (again, who wants to work for a major studio) should learn at least 1 scripting language, C#, and C++. Knowing all of those means you can pretty much learn any coding language thrown at you.

But in the end, I feel like picking a language (or even an engine) is a lot like picking a fashion style. There may be some job requirements you have to deal with, but on your own time you should go with what feels comfortable for YOU.