Thank you for your comments! Could you elaborate what do you mean with nro 3 Shortcuts for skills?
I think what Clement means is that right now you have to click on the icon in the bottom right to select that ability and then proceed to move your mouse and fire your arrow. Instead making the player press a keybind like the '1' button on your keyboard to select the cold arrow would probably feel quicker and more natural to the player. I'll be honest i didn't know how to use the abilities for a while because i made the assumption that they already worked this way.
I enjoyed playing this game and loved hearing the little voice lines, they really added to the game. The models look solid too.
I agree with the three points in the above comment and think they would make a great addition. Keep up the good work!
Good clarification and good idea (I think MGC_Vlad also mentioned about this in his video). I have been working lately with IOS version's Skillz PvP system so my mindset was in that world and I thought "shortcuts for skills" was a reference to Skillz's PvP system.
The main target for the game is mobile, that's the reason there are some seemingly strange choices like automatic lane selection. It's a bit "lightweight" game to be a real pc game imo. I build this pc version only because it comes almost as a freebie in unity.
Those "I can see my house from here", "Ardiaan" etc. are voice acting by yours truly :D. Wasn't sure that they would work, glad to hear you enjoyed them.