The part where you have to get the gems for the Xavielle is extremely frustrating. It just doesn't make any sense because I could not find any gems anywhere, neither was the Mona slug even selling any. All she was doing was the sleeping scene every time I would talk to her which I felt like I was stuck in some sort of game bug and not getting anywhere. I was even trying to search everywhere just to find that the gems seem to not even exist. It was pretty disappointing to say the least, and so I just decided to call it quits and delete the game after many annoying failed attempts to even get anywhere.
you have to keep paying the slug to get the gem she will give you a bag and you have to open it and the gem will be in there also you have to pay her a agen if you wont to get the bat hair to get more money you can sleep at your house than go to marionette house and have sex with the robot you can onley have sex with the robot onece a day you can make lots of money from marionette by doing this just go back anf froth and you will gets lots of money.