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A member registered Feb 07, 2019

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(4 edits)

I absolutely love this game. It's quite fun seeing my character grow big in more ways than one lol. Also, I have been having trouble getting in with the password that was given to me when I download this game for some reason. It kept saying there was an error when I entered it in no matter what which was quite frustrating. Seems the password system is extremely stubborn which is quite unfortunate. But having found the actual solution to get through is great news though.

For some reason it is super hard to even use moves in this game which is really annoying. It's like the controls don't work and the game itself is just unplayable to be honest when having this problem. I even tried to change the controls to my liking and it didn't even help at all.

Hey Bara, it's me again. I'm now at the Emerald Forest, and I'm at the part where it says that I have to go in the opposite directions that it says on the sign. I did that, and nothing is happening for some reason. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it seems it's not getting me anywhere.

(2 edits)

Hey Bara, I absolutely love your game. You did such an awesome job on it! Also, I seem to be stuck at the first puzzle where I have to move around these blocks through that door in the Canyon area. I feel as though there is no solution and can't really progress. I just wish there was some sort of walkthrough so that I would be able to solve these super hard puzzles.

(1 edit)

I have absolutely no clue how to beat the stupid cheating double bosses in the Chocolate Factory. I have tried everything I could, but I can't even do anything which is just absolute BS. The boss is just able to eat me whole no matter what I do because they just sit there and cheat. Can't even find a walkthrough which doesn't really help, so I guess I'm just SOL at this point in the game.

Not sure how to even play this game without getting pickpocketed constantley in the town. And when I try to catch the thief, I either lose them, or they knock me out when I try to capture them. Having that happen constantly, plus the food cost of 20gil every day until I eventually get a gameover from trying to just eplore the town just seems like an unfair system at that point.

This game will never be free. The developer lied completely which is kind of false advert.

(8 edits)

I really love this game, althought it kind of seems impossible to beat without losing to the timer of becoming a full on cow. Which is pretty repetetive and annoyingly frustrating since I can't seem beat the timer in the first place because there's just too many rooms of puzzles to do. It just doesn't make it fun when I'm constantly losing to the transformation  no matter what.

Wish I could say I wanna continue playing it, but I simply can't because of that reason.

(1 edit)

Couldn't even drag and drop the otter because the page objects are blocking the way of it.

(6 edits)

The part where you have to get the gems for the Xavielle is extremely frustrating. It just doesn't make any sense because I could not find any gems anywhere, neither was the Mona slug even selling any. All she was doing was the sleeping scene every time I would talk to her which I felt like I was stuck in some sort of game bug and not getting anywhere. I was even trying to search everywhere just to find that the gems seem to not even exist. It was pretty disappointing to say the least, and so I just decided to call it quits and delete the game after many annoying failed attempts to even get anywhere.