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I really like the style and the idea behind this, but there were a lot of small issues that got in the way of enjoying the game. The style is really cool, and really feels nightmarish. The music is very fitting and kinda feels like I'm in a Max Payne game (which is the vibe I get from the whole thing). The sound effects are pretty good, and the enemy screams got a few laughs. The reload animation on the submachine gun is really great!

However, the movement feels very stiff, and it feels like it hampers the action of the game. Particularly the dive, which seems to be very difficult to get up from. I think for a game where you're supposed to be moving fast, you really need to let the player get up from this almost immediately. Also the  kinetics of the dive feel kinda strange. It slides a little bit longer than you feel like it should, which makes some of the more platformy sections super frustrating. Movement in general feels very hampered by the collision. If you're moving against something and jump, you just jump straight up. It feels like you should be able to hurdle these obstacles without getting a running start. In particular, some of the bits of glass really get in the way and you feel stuck in place for a few seconds, which is frustrating in a game with a 30 second time limit.

A couple other nitpicks, it would be really nice  if the gun reloaded if it was empty and you attempt to fire. It's kind of a lot to keep track of when you're running around and dodging things and trying to get to the end before the time limit. Also the footstep sound needs to be turned way down, because it feels like it dominates all the other sounds.

Overall, it was a cool game that just had a few things that hampered my enjoyment. I think if you work on adding more fluidity to the movement, you'll have a really fun game! I'm also really impressed that this was made by a 13 year old. I wish I was making stuff this cool at your age.

i definetly agree for nearly all of these tips now that you've said them! Im thinking of adding a similar style of combat in a game im working on. This feedback will come in very handy!