How does the pacing of the game feel, is it too fast or too slow?
- I think Ernie is slightly too fast
- So far the game only gets a sense of urgency from the timer
In what ways might we be able to improve the challenge and the 'hectic-ness' of the game beyond the difficulty of the modules and timing?
- I think tense music would help the atmosphere, and maybe adding flashing alarms
- For challenges I would suggest possibly adding quick puzzles or other obstacles that must be solved to access modules
- I would like time to be added when I complete certain actions, like repairing a module
Would you like to see Ernie have abilities/upgrades and if so what would you like to see?
- Maybe he could have an ability that marks a module/puzzle complete
- Maybe an ability that temporarily stops the timer?
Game breaking glitches/bugs?
- Walls are not solid, I can run through them with no problem
General QoL improvements
- I found it extremely difficult to recognize what modules looked like, I only realized because I accidentally walked into one, please make them more recognizable
- The collision of objects was a little confusing, such as the tiny black dots on the ground or the larger dots that were similar to the ground. What are those?