How do you feel about the brief puzzle mechanics?
I actually liked this game and the way the objects were very interactive. It made you wonder how you were supposed to get over the yellow walls, and it very quickly put you in a position to learn how to possible make the yellow walls come down. A+ for gradual progression and intuitively of what was needed to be done.
However, a little more variety of obstacles and objects would be nice as well. Maybe a brief flash on the pressure plate can make the yellow walls/portals slow fade or have stairs appear could make the level more dynamic.
Puzzle mechanics can be made more difficult later such as chronological syncing of pressure plates.
Were you able to figure them out relatively quickly with a bit of trial and error? Yes, I actually really liked the top-left buttons that very clearly stated what would be dropped, and, along with the standard arrow key/space bar combo, it was very intuitive to navigate.
Did you get an understanding of the physics of the current body parts that were present? Yes. However, it would have been nicer to aim where the body parts were going to go or have them slightly bounce to add more variety rather than just having a rock-like drop-to-the-floor quality.