It would be nice if u could click cubes, (main menu play and options)
Well main menu button dont work, u can glitch in that door in first stage(just after tut), than one cube goes down. After u fail that stage, only way to continue/restart is to close whole program. There are some places where u shouldnt collide, but u do, some colliders are too long most likely.
U can run as blue in orange spaces, as long as you jump and move, u are alive, it is laggy but u r alive(as orange in blue too). And I still dont know how to pass "hard" level.
Wall jump could be better ngl. Game is pretty interesting just if u'd add some explanation how some things work, repair colliders and work with camera, so it shows both if they are far away .
Good idea ig, fits a little to theme, cant say that mine more, so it isnt big problem.
Nice music, players look nice