Firstly, thank you for the answer.
Secondly, a web version isn't necessary to try it out, as a windows build would be sufficient, but I understand so ok.
Thirdly, what do you mean run it natively, what will it need to run on? A Linux? Windows? Web? Something else? If so, are you 100% certain that Godot can in fact compile it into a correct format?
Also about the 12 keys, what those?
Arrows and AB twice?
For the controls, we do not need to use all of them, right?
Shadow Kitsune
Creator of
Recent community posts
Can we get important parts of the rules laid out easily on the page, rather than in an external file?
And also, easily.
Teams allowed, no nsfw, does the game must be a web viable? Can I use any engine? Graphical assets are required to be made during jam, right?
Will there be itchio ranking also?
Does everybody from the team needs to be from the University?
If Godot is only recommended and not necessary, do I have to submit 2 version?
"Your game must use the provided controls. These will be made available to all participants at the start of the jam." - what are the controls?
I think it's gonna be easier to have a TLDR, user friendly thing on the itchio page, with additional formal document below with the details, for the legal reasons I suppose
Tbf awesome
The song is a banger
Gameplay is pretty cool
I like this little fella and small things like this death sounds
What I would recommend would be either adding some zoom out option, or some indicators where the door is, cause on the last levels, it took me a while to find them.
But still, I really enjoyed, 15 levels passed :3
Ok, I like the idea, but it felt hella unreliable and weird on browser.
I was fully in the yellow box and died a few times.
Once I died in the blue one
My middle circle did not hit and I died cause I was too close and other times I didn't.
So although I am quite ok with bullet hells, this one on web felt really weird for me.
Collisions with the greens felt off sometimes too.
Hit me up if this is just a browser error, if so Imma check out later the exe file (cause I think I saw one?)
Still, cool music, cool graphics, idea is cool and I liked the trippy effect of everything just bending weirdly.
So ye, good job overall!
super duper wizard is a cool name xD
Here is mine, I will definitely give it a try
Here is mine!
Will check yours in some time too :3
It took me a few reads to understand but damn man
The music is catchy
The gameplay (especially when cheating by change hands XD) is fire
Tbh, idk why, but that it is literally one of the games I enjoyed the most here
One thing, the movement was a bit laggy, but it was alright
So ye, thanks for it, for this banger of a song and welp, great job!
Actually, like stated, this game is so awesome and super polished.
I really like it!
On the last day I had paramedics for like 4-5 hours in one place, which might be a bug.
What I would suggest is adding some form of a cool interactions, for example fire fighters could be really useful to help a bit in a lot of scenarios!
But still, that is one of the best entries I have seen, so really great job
Actually same here, but not as "it is finished", but as "what an awesome idea mate", so I may trying doing it too :3
I will check your game after the meeting and give me feedback on it, in the meantime you can check mine :3
Here is mine :3
I hope you will like it
Here is mine :3
I am adding yours to my list, so I will play it after my meeting :3