I’m curious how to approach animating a walkable area, i.e. what if you had a moving background or foreground that affected where the character could be walking? Want to learn more about animation syncing as a well which I glanced at in another post
Proper dynamic object avoidance is on my to-do list (so characters walk around each other). But at the moment you can:
- Add multiple "Regions"
- Untick "enabled" on them.
- Add some code in your room's Update function that turns on/off the "Walkable" property at appropriate times. When "Walkable" is false, the player will avoid the area.
- You could use animation events if it's tied to an animation. Like create an event called SetRegion, with a string for the region name, then in the room add:
void AnimRegionOn(string regionName)
R.Current.GetRegion(regionName).Walkable = false;
//note you'd also probably want to set other regions to walk able here too maybe