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Awesome art! Very eye pleasing color palette too. Music was fine and funky too but was kinda begging for sound effects.

So the heart system was kinda confusing at start. I wasn't sure why I was losing them and thought at some point you might just be losing them on time. Took me quite a while and a sudden death from full health to finally understand what was going on. The problem here really is mostly that you do not see down far enough and can just suddenly die without seeing any reason for it.

It's a big too reliant on RNG. Sometimes you get more than you really need but more often than not you don't get anything when you really need it.

I'm still also quite confused about the green box power up things. It wasn't clear at all what I got from em at any time. Obviously I was always rooting for the solidifying thing to fill but more often than not it was just some pointless propeller hat which served like no purpose at all really.

I felt like it was a bit too easy to get stuck. And you usually are either totally screwed or have to mess up your whole structure to try to dislodge the pieces blocking you.

Blocks were a bit too bouncy and hard to predict and they were brutal at kicking the poor frog around and usually ending up getting them stuck. Even trying to fit together two pieces that look like they're made for each other sometimes ends up in a huge mess and the new piece suddenly flipping 90 degrees. This happens especially often if the piece underneath isn't like 101% level.

The frog controls were mostly fine but there was some issue with the ground detection which rules whether the frog can jump or not. It was way too strict not letting you jump well on slanted surfaces and especially from corners of like 45 rotated blocks. And quite often these single missed jumps can mess up the whole run.

This following series of images sums it up kinda perfectly...

Yes, going smoothly. Keeping stuff wide and everything is still level.

Oh no, some bad pieces incoming. Stuff will be less stable soon.

Ok I think I stabilized it, right? No! Without even landing a single piece to it, everything started to rumble and jitter around and obviously end in the whole thing crumbling down like a house of cards on a tornado.

I think it really comes down to the physics engine. It just can't really handle big piles of objects too well. You'd need to manually figure out some objects in the base of the structure and automatically lock them (just like that solidify functionality). Also adding new objects to a high pile feels like they come down with the force of thousand suns and make the whole stack that you could have packed in super tightly too spring up and down like crazy.

Anyways, I liked it a lot, very nice idea! Good job 👍


Hey thanks for your elaborate feedback!

- Yea there might be a bug where you can still get the propellor after you already obtained it. We saw this later!

- You can actually press R to sacrifice 2 life and respawn yourself!

- Yep, the stabilizing part is a big physics thing. Its hard to stabilize when things get wonky. Here you can partly use the solidify power-up to make a little wall for example that holds your tower somewhat together. Still you are very right on this and its probably the biggest issue. Alot of tweaking with the gravity + mass of the blocks in Unity might help this issue if we continue with the game. Theres definitely alot to improve on and add content.

Thanks again for your feedback, we do really appreciate it, and thanks for playing!