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(1 edit) (+1)

Hey, here are a few things I've come across in 0.5:

  1. In at least a couple of instances, the pursuers would glitch out: the one that grabbed me would either start playing different animations one after the other, or would clip through a wall and would hang in mid-air. This is especially an issue if you're grabbed in the door frame, and also very common on Floor 4.
  2. The pursuers start running away from me sometimes, and the only way to get them to chase me again, is to catch up to them and have them "see" me.
  3. For some reason, upon finishing Floor 1 and transitioning to Floor 2, the screen got stuck, telling me to press any key to start, but when I'd press a key, it'd just blink and show the same screen again. I had to force shutdown the game because I couldn't do anything. Didn't encounter this on any other replays though.
  4. On one occasion the pursuers couldn't grab me even though I didn't have the 'no-grabbing' bonus.
  5. Likewise, on one occasion the arrow showed me 'away' from the exit. I was near the exit area, but wasn't sure if it was it, so I activated the arrow and it showed me to go the other way.
  6. Sometimes pursuers clip through walls\ doors after "using" me and spawn somewhere else.

A few things I'd suggest adding some time in the future:

  1. A POV camera option.
  2. A map editor.
  3. An alternate game-mode where you have to catch (and "use") as many subs as possible. Maybe add a timer or something.
  4. Some visual clues around the maps, because the arrow still isn't entirely accurate, but having visual clues (like a green wall-mounted crystal instead of an orange one to show if you're going in the right direction) would be both useful and immersive.
  5. Make the maps a bit brighter because some of them (Floors 1 and 2) are very dark.

Hey, thanks for this very detailed bug report, we will be working to fix these as soon as possible.
Regarding the maps: in the 0.7 update we will be using a whole new system (that we are currently developing) to make procedural dungeons, and there we will fix most of the issues with the dungeons, including the pathfinder, the lighting, etc.

Little spoiler but, there is a Feature planned for the launch of the game, a whole mode where the objetive is to pursue the subs and get back at them!

Thanks for your report and ideas, i love when people share such great posts as you!

Cool! Waiting for the next update. :)