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Ha. Ya know its funny really. 

Ive so many times been here thinking too myself. "Hey maybe i should pop him a hi, see how he is doing?".

And everytime i stop cause Im feeling down or in a lonely state. 

Hell as I type this I've retyped this. 

Do you even remember me from time too time?

I dont know why I'm typing this too a random stranger ive never met but eh. 

Put on a mask about loving coffee and everyone will believe it. Weird how we accsept everything so easily.

Mah mah 

Check ya around Ras 

Goodluck with your life and projects. I genuinely hope for the best with you.

From Curv-

Hi! But of course I remember you! Your messages are among the most pleasant and encouraging around here. And believe it or not, I sometimes find myself wondering if I'll ever see them again. So yeah, glad to have news from you yet again, and thank you for following my endeavors!

Well, I'm telling you, in this day and age, it's not so strange to feel the urge to type messages to "random strangers we've never met in person"... truth be told, that stopped being strange long ago. You just have to take a look around you. More and more, you don't need at all to meet anyone in person, not even once, in order to build some sort of friendly exchange with them. That being a good or a bad thing, or being simply another casual thing in this world, well, that's entirely another issue... I don't think it's all that bad, especially when it's about sharing the object of our enjoyment.

As always, thank you for your kind words and wishes. I'm doing fine around here, putting things together slowly but surely for the next update... which will arrive pretty soon, I'm glad to say. Certainly, your message couldn't have reached in a better moment. We can get ready to see a bit more of the game translated...

Until then... cheers!