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That was so fun!! The sprites and the animations were adorable!  I especially liked the falling animations after you hit the peak of your jump :)

Also the gameplay was just the right amount of challenging both in platforming and in puzzles.  Had a fun time solving the puzzles as well as pulling them off!  Also I will admit that I did die a few times before I made it through a lot of the rooms haha.

For the platforming itself, one suggestion I have is to the make jump take a little bit longer to cancel when you let go of the jump button.  Though it let's you stop on a dime (if you can stop on a dime in midair that is haha), it can feel a little jerky at times.

Seriously though, the assets were beautiful, and I had a really good time playing it!  Would be interested in playing more levels if you got the chance to make more :)

If you get the chance to play it, I would definitely be interested in hearing any sort of feedback on the gameplay, audio, or visuals of the game I submitted.  Also, seeing how good your visuals are, if you have any tips on making quality pixel art, I would love to hear it as I'm just starting haha


Thanks lol, it's really encouraging to hear all this positive feedback and such as it's the first project I've openly released. It's pretty hard to explain how to create good pixel art since I wouldn't say I'm too good at it yet. Though I will say, a lot of practice and just having a strong dedication to improve really is all anyone needs if they wanna get better. As for the animations and whatever, I had barely any experience on animating pixel art properly before the game jam, but watching videos on animation from people like HeartBeast or AdamCYounis really did help. 

I also felt the movement for the game did feel odd at times, but I had to move on to other aspects of the game so I could finish in time, but I'll look into taking that feedback if I do update the game.

I'll for sure check out your game too, I've been a little busy with school so I haven't been able to rate any games yet, but once I can I'll give your game feedback and a rating aswell.