This game looks really good, but plays bad.
Models are pretty great, sprites have some nice animation. Menus, this game even has a title screen that does something else other than play and exit. It doesn't work well on small screens though, some buttons aren't visible when you use, say, 640x400 (sorry but that's the resolution I use, need to squeeze as much performance as I can). Then the music is comprised of several remixes of Taira's work. But there is no sound effect, no bullet sounds, etc. Finally, gameplay is ok but it's nothing really outstanding and has quite some glaring issues. Don't know if I missed some "how to play" thing but I didn't even know I had a fire button set in F. Actually not knowing how to fire made the game have challenge at all. When I discovered the F key, I just spammed F and pressed right. You can't move while firing but you just need to spam F, not hold it.
I think this game was pretty affected by time. I believe it started awesome, then was rushed as hell. I even could say I wish you had a backup at day 2 or something just so you can completely remake what you did at the next 2 days of rush, but with no rush.