Hi! Don't want to be rude but i noticed you haven't updated Mannequin Academy since october, did you chose to focus on your new game Diamond Mirage?
Hi Lascie!
We will definitely update Mannequin, but it will take some time since we need to review the entire game before we continue and decide how we want to plan the development of the story. We're sorry for the delay T.T
Aside from that, Diamond Mirage will be finished next month and a new game we're very excited for will be posted soon on our profile.
Have a great day!
Also don't wish to be rude, because I really really loved and enjoyed what I've played of the Mannequin academy (easily one of my favourite indie VN), but as a customer it is discouraging to read about new projects being announced while all those outstanding, particularly this one, are unfinished. Doesn't make me inclined to spend any further money, despite serious temptation with Diamond Mirage, because I am unconfident any will actually be finished before further new projects are announced.
I do not begrudge parting with £15 for Mannequin academy before full release, but I do resent ever so slightly the feeling that I've paid early to support other games. Particularly when from this message it sounds as if Mannequin academy has essentially been parked since last Sept. as it awaits still this review.
I'm sorry for being so blunt. It truly truly pains me to be or say anything other than supportive (genuinely ummed and erred over an hour at 3:am whether to even post this)
Hi Alex :) We're happy that you enjoyed Mannequin Academy. Yours and everyone else's kind support has helped us bring more content to Mannequin.
We will be finishing Diamond Mirage first, if everything goes as planned then it should be ready in March. I'm writing the second to last early access update and the art and music are ready. Hopefully when you see the game released later this month you will be able to play the whole thing :)
If you'd like to know more about Mannequin, here is the Mannequin Academy development status update that I just posted as a separate thread.