A music building game!
This is a very slow paced game, which to be honest, the average casual player is going to almost instantly peace out. But I think if you really enjoy music theory and trying to match pitches by listening to short tones, then this game will be great for you. I think fun level was dragged down by just how slow and clunky the controls were for manipulating the marshmallows. I really do like the concept behind this though and was really hoping to goof around with the mallows and create my own beats lol
You honestly hit high marks here because this was a very clever take on the theme. Combining mallows to complete a song was pretty brilliant. I just wish the implementation was stronger!
The games art style was very cute and cohesive. The menu was spot on and meshed so well with the rest of the game. There wasn't much to the game though, but what there was, was done well!
The only things I got to hear were the circle sounds and the mallows voice. I think this area could have really been stronger, especially if you had a free mode where you could test your mallows and see what the song would sound like, even if you had the wrong order. I still don't know what the end song sounds like, and I wish I did! lol
Game Design:
I kind of have touched on this multiple times in the review. The strict and slow game play really reduced the amount of fun a player could have. But the base game you have, is really special. And I think you should keep advancing it and implement some quicker gameplay, better player feedback loops, and overall hook for the player to stay entertained. I could easily see this as a mobile type game. I hope you don't find this review offensive, because I really enjoyed the concept, and would love to eventually see a more fleshed out version!
I streamed it here: