Adding scarred or ugly will also need you to edit your portrait/bodies file names to match.
The file mods/randomportraits/ has the weightings if you want to change your weightings for personal use.
This is a one line amendment I made to my to skip gender if gender returns zero matches. (The indentation is important.) I expect the same can be done for race.
# Filter on Gender
filteringPortraits = []
for p in validPortraits:
if p.genders.has(
filteringPortraits.append(p) #Add portrait that has required sex
if portraitSettings.debug: print('Filtered on gender %s, resulted in %d portraits.' % [, filteringPortraits.size()])
if !filteringPortraits.empty(): #Leo gender skip if zero entries
if (filteringPortraits.size() < portraitSettings.minMatch):
validPortraits = filteringPortraits
(Technical note - I seem to remember that this file needed space characters rather than tabs to indent the text. The compiler uses the white space characters to determine which statements belong to the if statements. Experiment a little with the if you have problems.)