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A member registered Aug 17, 2018

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I like the Romans and respect the Romans but I don't find them sexy (except Cleopatra who was Egyptian). The ancient Greeks seem a bit sexier, also the Persians, Celts, and others.

This game could appeal to a male-to-female audience who want to play the boy disguised as a girl. Just add some outfit options for the main character so a player can choose to see the disguise.

The demo looked nice. I'm interested in where it goes next. Aphrodite did seem to be more in character for Athena though, stern, judicial, and argumentative. Couldn't she have tempted the main character with a promise of beautiful women in Hybridia?

Nice sexy story and art. My feedback would be to change the colour of the 'radio' button for moving into a house area when an encounter is in that location. It would save time looking round the house for things to do (in the demo).

This was never possible as Ivran never matched the requirement for the 'two elves' quest, not in the old version nor in the current version. You best bet may be to just edit this code in  and replace "Dark Elf" with "Tribal Elf".

func shuriyaslaveselect(stage):

     if stage == 1: 

       main.selectslavelist(true, 'shuriyaelfselect', self, 'person.race == "Elf"')


      main.selectslavelist(true, 'shuriyadrowselect', self, 'person.race == "Dark Elf"')

Download the expanded sex mod and see how it is done there.

This is how I did it  in Leo's mod with images in directory mods/Leo/Images

var sprites = globals.spritedict

sprites.bonniefull = globals.loadimage(globals.modfolder + "/Leo/Images/Bonniefull.png")

sprites.bonnieportrait = globals.loadimage(globals.modfolder + "/Leo/Images/Bonnieportrait.png")

At the start of the game you can designate the starting slave as a keyholder. When you first have sex with the keyholder the chastity events start.

There is a portrait packs section as well as a mods section.

You don't need a mod. In my example I used the mod directory for the image path. That's all. (I was trying to use less English words)

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Main Menu -> Mods -> Open Mod Folder sets globals.modfolder
icon = globals.modfolder + "/Gatreex/Images/dagger.png",

In file, there is a description like this

    weapondagger = {

        code = 'weapondagger',

        name = 'Dagger',

        icon = "res://files/images/items/weapondagger.png",

        description = "A simple weapon providing bare minimum of physical power. ",

        effect = [{type = 'incombat', effect = 'damage', effectvalue = 4, descript = "+4 Damage"}],

        recipe = '',

        reqs = null,

        cost = 50,

        type = 'gear',

        subtype = 'weapon',

        weight = 5,

        amount = 0,


Change this icon statement to a path like

icon = globals.modfolder + "/Gatreex/Images/dagger.png",

This is an updated version that is hopefully compatable with bugfix v6.  This is not an official version and not fully supported. I tested a play through with the following mods loaded (the order is important):

Bugfix v6 - Random Portraits - Leo's v1.8 - Expanded sex 01 - Chastity Belt 02 (this version).

Changes - Some date validation for bugfix v6, removal of sex action 304 & 305 files from CB that were duplicted in ES, removal of multiple partners on chastity release (clash with bugfix v6).

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Download link for ver 1.8 Bandit Queen quest continued but still unfinished. Fix for bloodthirster.

Tested with Strive v01.01d. Recommended for play with Randomportraits mod. Tested with ES Expanded sex mod. Not compatible with Arics mod family. Not compatible with Chastity belt mod.

I'm not promising any more updates for this mod.

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This game looks fine, certainly has a story and proper characters, has a bit of humour, and is worth checking out. For me, the custom language used to avoid referring to 'sister', 'family', and so on was used oddly. It would be better if fewer relationships used this customization. 'Guardian' and 'ward' seem more appropriate defaults than 'landlord' and 'tenant' (unless that's a running joke in adult games?). 

If you're going to be doing more water features in Japan or Egypt you might want to look up some tips on reflections. I'm guessing they are generally going to be hard.

Yep. The hands shouldn't be in the reflection and I'm guessing a few other things are not quite right, but I haven't got an artist's eye to pinpoint the details.

There's an image of Umiko sitting on the side of the pool and the reflection in the pool seems all wrong. You shouldn't be able to see her hands there.

This is a new unique item for the mod. It can only be gained the once. New players can edit the file as Ankmairdor suggested before the weapon is found (replace str with sstr). After the weapon is found it carries its own data in the save game file and would need editing there.

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In version 1.7 it was changed to magic affinity 3 and strength 1. The desccription needs updating to match.

You can find requirements of any item by looking atthe detailed info. Bloodthirster required magic affinity.

Quite a lot of content  for an early version. Wicked sense of humour.

Unfortunately the writing stalled to the point where I think my Strive development has stopped. There's not enough connected content for another release.

The living conditions can be improved by giving them a personal room or master's bed instead of communal sleeping. There's also a mansion improvement that  can improve the quality of the personal rooms.  If the communal room is overcrowded it will add stress.

Contraceptives can be given to slaves daily by going into the 'customization' tab. The master can also take a daily contrceptive or you can manually 'pull out' during sex scenes.

Leo's mod uses the architecture of the MAD mod but it is up to date and shows how to add jobs, items, creatures, effects, characters, zones, conversations, quests, and so on.

With permadeath disabled your slaves are away from the mansion for a few days (resting ) after a combat defeat instead of being deleted.

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She's gone. The quest log does not know it. There's a permadeath option that you can turn off from main menu/options.

There can be value in playing the game for its own pleasure rather than worrying about its categorization.

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It's possible to lose all the unique characters based on quest choices (I think). Even if they are in your mansion they can disappear permanently when they are sold, delivered, executed, released, and so on. Zoe and Ayneris can be missed entirely.  I'd suggest a restart and replay if that bothers you more than losing your current mansion.

For Ayda, Ankmairdor tracked the bug down

Agreed. I was trying to think of ways I could change my mod so the load order didn't matter but nothing seemed better than this rule.

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Would there be any harm in a general instruction to put the bugfix mod top of the load order? For any mods using file replacement I'm assuming there will be more stability if the file replacement is applied second. For mods using line changes I'm assuming clashes would be rare (identical line changes) but Strive would still be more stable with the bugfix applied first so the other mod remains internally consistent.

V3 has a clash with Leo's mod and for now I'm going to suggest putting bugfix V3 above Leo's mod in the load order (mod screen). This hasn't been fully tested but gets past initial problems.

It's good. Good characters. Good animations. Good story. Sexy. All round goodness.

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-Functional Brothel - A lot of people have made requests to extend the brothel whether it is to pay for sex there, add extra quests, make the mistress a chastity keyholder, and so on. To play devil's advocate, Strive is about making your own harem than paying for sex. I've added some quests to the brothel in my mod and I expect to add more.

-Alchemy Assistant - I've got code for a basic alchemy assistant in my mod already and that's free for people to copy.

-Gardens - Yes I've also had some ideas about buying a garden, appointing a gardener, growing alchemy stuff. Not a priority for me.

-Mansion attacks and Mansion defences - Mansion attacks have been requested before and you've made it look a lot better by suggesting defences as well.

-Wimborn doesn't need a new lowbie area as Wimborn Outskirts is really generous already, in the big scheme of things.

-Arena and Adventurer's Guild - Both fair ideas if someone is willing to code them.

-Enchanter - Something else that has been requested before. An artifact refiner that changes a bonus to its maximum might be more promising as it doesn't break game balance.

I think other people have also asked for images appearing during sex scenes. Not in my scope though.

I started much the same way. I'm a lapsed software developer who had started in ancient languages like COBOL with fixed data storage so although I knew C as well I was essentially treating GD script as extended basic.

Thanks for your post. The more I think about this the more I see this as a portrait extension plus a custom slave finder, two good ideas in one.

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I think you will need this line when importing a bodyguard custom slave. Assassins have their bonus hard coded in

 if person.effects.has('bodyguardeffect'): person.add_effect(globals.effectdict.bodyguardeffect, true)

I think I might skip out on the whole problems of slave origins/exits and make the custom images a renaming and reimaging feature. This way will be less fun but the player then self manages reappearance and similar issues. Slave renaming would be a good feature to add anyway as it is missing from the game (nicknames and amnesia potion aside). Custom characters occuring randomly in the game could be added as step two.

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I'm still working through this but I'll point out something it took me a long time (probably over a year) of modding to realise as it's different from more rigid languages. You can add extra data elements to dictionaries, these elements will persist through load and save, and existing Strive code is unaffected by these elements. This means you can do something like

var person = CreateCustomCharacter(name)
If !globals.state.has('customcreations') : globals.state.customcreations = []

As it stands, I think your custom slaves can be killed and still return later. I can see why you just did a check on the current lists though as tracking the status of these slaves throughout the code will be troublesome.

That's a fair request that a modder like Aric or Ralph might pick up on.