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Hey! So I really enjoyed playing your game :D.

Things I Liked:

  • I thought the story was really well done. All the little mini-quests you did built on each other in a satisfying way at the end.
  • I thought the music choice was really good and set a great atmosphere for the game.
  • 10/10 success on the theme. 
  • The pixel art choice was awesome as well as the animations that you did for the crate lifting. Can you point me to a tutorial that shows how to do that lol?

Suggestions for improvement:

  • I think that the pixel art was really good but it seemed blurry. I would try playing with the sprite settings to see if you could make them crisper.
  • I think that some of the audio effects, like jumping, deaths and pickups, could use some work. Adding that kinda thing really brings it to life.
  • It was an easy platformer which Im super cool with especially cause of the story but it all seemed a little...slow. Maybe speeding up the movement of the enemies and player may help getting invested in the story quicker.

I really appreciate you giving feedback on my game! Good luck in the jam!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hey thanks so much for checking out my game and providing detailed feedback! 

I'm really glad you enjoyed some of the features I included. Sadly I have no tutorial for the crate lifting, it was just something I winged on the spot haha. It was a combination of creating an animation, using an animation event and instantiating a new object in the right place. There's probably much better ways to do it but in the timeframe I just went with what worked lol.

The sprite blurriness, game speed and lack of audio effects are probably the three biggest issues with the game I totally agree! I'll do my best to rectify them once the jam is over.

Thanks again for the kind words and useful feedback, I really appreciate it. Good luck to you too, I think we had similarities with the humour in our stories so it was fun checking out your game :)


You're welcome!

Gotcha! I'm just getting into animation and I thought it was cool how you implemented that. Ill see if Im able to reproduce something similar with your advice.

Good luck!

Best of luck man! Coming from an engineering background, animation seemed totally alien to me the first time I tried to learn it but the more I practice the more comfortable with it I get. I'm sure you'll nail it :)