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A member registered Jan 20, 2021 · View creator page →

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You're welcome!

Gotcha! I'm just getting into animation and I thought it was cool how you implemented that. Ill see if Im able to reproduce something similar with your advice.

Good luck!

You're very welcome! Let's keep in touch! I love finding nice people through the Jams. I just followed you to keep up with your work :D

I thought that this was a really fun take on the theme! 

Things I Liked:

  • I really enjoy the overall concept. I love the idea of being a slime collecting different slime types to improve different stats. Very very cool!
  • I liked the music. It was super chill and it made it easy to get caught up in a long play session.
  • I think that the visual aesthetic is also really charming. Especially as your slime gets bigger and you can see its little face moving. 

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • I wasn't really sure how to die. I'm all here for living but I wasn't sure what the challenge was.
  • I think some speed in how you grow and other enemy types appears could create a more engaging game loop.

I'd really appreciate if you could take a look at my game when you get the chance :D

I really enjoyed playing your game! I love a good puzzle :D

Things I liked:

  • The game is very simple which I feel makes it great. I'm not thinking about how to do things, I'm just thinking about the solution.
  • I think that the sound effects that were used in the game were very good.
  • I thought that the puzzle design was really well done. You felt smart after figuring it our which is great!

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • Some background music would have been really good. And made it more immersive.
  • Im all here for simple visuals but I think that the use of a color palette could have improved the overall aesthetic of the game.
  • Maybe a tutorial in the beginning? I think it would be really useful. Took me a second to understand what was happening.

I'd really appreciate if you could take a look at my game as well :D

Hi! I really, really enjoyed playing this game!

Things I liked:

  • I love the ability to play as two characters as once. It made for really challenging but fair gameplay.
  • I didn't use the items in the shop but I feel like I should have because I kept leaving Leaf Lady behind and those may have helped. But I loved that they were there.
  • The art style was SOOOO good! The characters, in particular, were VERY beautiful.
  • I really enjoyed that there was a story. Im super sad I haven't been able to get a happy ending yet :/

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • The sound engineering I think could use some juice. They were a bit too low in my opinion.

Overall it was very very good! And thanks for reviewing my game :D

Hi! I really, really enjoyed playing this game!

Things I liked:

  • I love the ability to play as two characters as once. It made for really challenging but fair gameplay.
  • I didn't use the items in the shop but I feel like I should have because I kept leaving Leaf Lady behind and those may have helped. But I loved that they were there.
  • The art style was SOOOO good! The characters, in particular, were VERY beautiful.
  • I really enjoyed that there was a story. Im super sad I haven't been able to get a happy ending yet :/

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • The sound engineering I think could use some juice. They were a bit too low in my opinion.

Overall it was very very good! And thanks for reviewing my game :D


Things I liked:

  • I had so much fun with the gameplay! I loved the switch between characters to curse and deal damage.
  • Music was so fitting for the game. Very high intensity. The sound engineering overall was really good!
  • I love the beautiful but simple visual aesthetic. If possible could you share some tutorials on how to create those neon glowing effects! It's such a cool way to add some life to a game.
  • The revive feature! COME ON! So cool!

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • Maybe add a story? Im a sucker for a narrative in games but I can also see the standpoint that this isn't that kinda game as well.
  • A tutorial in game. I didn't read the instructions at the bottom so I want sure what each character was doing for awhile.

I'd really appreciate if you took the time to play my game. I think you'd have great feedback :D

(1 edit)

This was a really good game! Congrats!

Things I liked:

  • I really enjoyed the character sprites that you chose. They were super adorable.
  • I think the aesthetics of the world are top-notch. Everything looks really cohesive and I really enjoy the beautiful backgrounds you made.
  • It was a very excellent take on the theme. I had a lot of fun controlling both characters and making them complete the levels together.
  • I thought that the music was also pretty good! It really immersed me into the game.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • Maybe some more frames for the characters?
  • I think that the bg music loops kinda weird.

Overall really great game! I'd love if you'd take some time to play mine.

Haha, I love that Idea! I think I'll add that and I'll make sure to credit you somewhere.

Hey! So I really enjoyed playing your game :D.

Things I Liked:

  • I thought the story was really well done. All the little mini-quests you did built on each other in a satisfying way at the end.
  • I thought the music choice was really good and set a great atmosphere for the game.
  • 10/10 success on the theme. 
  • The pixel art choice was awesome as well as the animations that you did for the crate lifting. Can you point me to a tutorial that shows how to do that lol?

Suggestions for improvement:

  • I think that the pixel art was really good but it seemed blurry. I would try playing with the sprite settings to see if you could make them crisper.
  • I think that some of the audio effects, like jumping, deaths and pickups, could use some work. Adding that kinda thing really brings it to life.
  • It was an easy platformer which Im super cool with especially cause of the story but it all seemed a little...slow. Maybe speeding up the movement of the enemies and player may help getting invested in the story quicker.

I really appreciate you giving feedback on my game! Good luck in the jam!

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback, and I'm really glad you liked it! 

It was my first time adding dialogue to a game so I'm happy that it paid off.

And UGH, those "Bosses" were supposed to be much stronger. I should have given them a shield or something but I was so tired by the time I made them I left them as is. Gotta def improve that for any future builds.

I still love your game!

Thanks so much for the feedback! I'm grinning from ear to ear at the moment! All of your feedback has been really positive and Im just really happy you enjoyed it.

I appreciate the feedback and Ill make sure to check out your game too!

YIKES! I'll try and reproduce that. I think that the dialogue system needs a whole overhaul. I built it so fast that Im sure there's even more bugs haha.

Thanks for playing! I appreciate it!

Thanks for the feedback!

Visuals are definitely my weak point. I'm currently trying to teach myself pixel art to add some life to future games! 

Thanks for playing and Ill make sure to check out your game today! My big exam is over now haha.

Your entire comment made me smile :D!

Im so happy you liked the game so much to call it your fave so far!!!! I know its small but it was made with a lot of love!

And thanks for noticing my feedback! Thats honestly what we are all here for. To get opinions on our creations so I try hard to make sure I pay attention and am constructive with every game. IT makes the process take longer but I just think its important.

I'm gonna check out your game now!

Thanks for the feedback! That was def my goal this time around. "Simple but fun."

I love that you made a puzzle game. There aren't enough in most game jams.

Things I Liked:

  • I thought that the puzzle mechanic concept has a really solid foundation to build on here.
  • I really enjoyed the character art for the slimes. It was 10/10 level cute.

Suggestions for Improvement:

  • I think adding more levels would have been great.
  • I don't know if I felt like the theme was really there. You can beat the game only looking at one of the slimes so the other slime felt kinda tacked on.

I'd really appreciate if you could review my game!

Hey! I love that you made a strategy game for the jam. It was a breath of fresh air for me.

Things I liked:

  • I enjoyed the game concept of the game. It reminded me of some of my favorite games like Civ.
  • I also really enjoyed the music choice. I felt like it helped transport me to medieval times.
  • The effect for the soldiers when you fight is really really really cool. I love how it simulates them fighting with both visuals and sound effects.
  • The little updates about rebellions coupled with the little bits of scene-setting writing were fun. It made me even more interested in seeing those pop-up.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • Maybe up the difficulty level. I didn't really have any trouble beating it without much strategy which made the game a tad bit boring after the first couple of wins.
  • Maybe some more directions in game. A tutorial level would have been really helpful.

I'd really appreciate if you could review my game as well :D

I think that you made a beautiful game that's honestly brimming with a lot of potential.

Things I liked:

  • I really enjoyed the movement in this. IT was simple and easy to move my ship through space.
  • I love the pixel art style. I think that it is simple yet beautiful and those planet assets and the enemy asset particularly looks good.
  • I love the booster effect. IDK how you made it but it's very effective and cool.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • Maybe increasing the amount of times you can be hit. The one and done was a little brutal for me.
  • I think it'd be cool if I was able to restart the level from the game screen rather than from then being sent back to the start menu you. It takes me out of the great immersion you created.

I'd really appreciate if you could review my game when you get a chance.

Really cool game design concept! I really enjoyed playing!

Things I liked:

  • The ability to use different friends to have different powers is really cool. I LOVE that you were able to have so many different types of friends. 
  • I like that it's technically a puzzler/platformer combo! Both are difficult in their own right so the fact that you were able to mix the two genres was really cool.
  • I love the overall visual aesthetic! It's simple yet descriptive which is key IMO.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • I'm sure you're going to hear it a lot but audio would have been 10/10. Even just a BG track would have upped the immersion quite a bit.
  • It may have just been me but I was unable to full screen the game in the browser.
  • I got stuck at one part because I accidentally destroyed my friends by throwing them against a wall lol. So maybe the ability to reset to a previous screen could help.

I'd love if you took a look at my game when you got a chance :D

This game is beautiful and sounds AMAZING!

Things I really liked:

  • The color choice and simplicity of the visuals coupled with the music create a mysterious yet gorgeous atmosphere.
  • The way that the background and foreground move as the player moves is almost cinematic!

Suggestions for improvements:

  • I think some more instructions within the game would be good. It took me a few plays to figure out how to float the balloon.
  • I  think there could be some better differentiation between what you can and can't collect. I was losing health because I kept thinking that certain objects could be collected.
  • The ability to choose when I speed up. It kind of came out of nowhere and had me losing health rather than gaining points.

I'd love if you played my game as well :D

Right now, this is the best game that I have played from this jam!

Things I liked:

  • Everything!!!
  • The sound design is A1, the music choice creates this creepy/mysterious atmosphere that gets me super immersed. And the piano keys being hit every time you jump. SOOOOOO GOOD!
  • The visual design is super minimal but super sleek. You can tell a lot of work was put into the shading of the orbs.
  • The gameplay uses simple mechanics that are quick to grasp but hard to master. Its set up so that you feel awesome completing each level.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • I really don't have much. I wasn't able to beat it (played during a quick break) but it didn't seem like it had a story with it which I think would have really made it next level! (This is me being nitpicky obvs. The game was so well done!)

I'd really appreciate it if you could check out my game too!

I feels I did the same thing with mine. 10/10 music selection!

(1 edit)

Im sure you're gonna get a lot of great feedback on this game and I just wanted to join the crowd in admiration.

Things I liked about the game:

  • How you made simple mechanics really fun. I think that is something only really good game designers can do so congrats!
  • The visuals were really good! I'm a big fan of pixel art and I think that from the characters to the landscape that yours were really well done.
  • The music is also really A1.
  • I loved the tutorial. It was a really innovative way to learn the directions.
  • The whole game just breathes personality the second you see that awesome start screen haha!

Suggestions for improvement:

  • I think that maybe adding some story would help improve the gameplay but that's me nitpicking.

A VERY good game!

I'd love if you played mine when you had some time: https://cthemess.itch.io/find-my-way-home

Im sure you're gonna get a lot of great feedback on this game and I just wanted to join the crowd in admiration.

Things I liked about the game:

  • How you made simple mechanics really fun. I think that is something only really good game designers can do so congrats!
  • The visuals were really good! I'm a big fan of pixel art and I think that from the characters to the landscape that yours were really well done.
  • The music is also really A1.
  • I loved the tutorial. It was a really innovative way to learn the directions.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • I think that maybe adding some story would help improve the gameplay but that's me nitpicking.

A VERY good game!

I'd love if you played mine when you had some time: https://cthemess.itch.io/find-my-way-home

Such a fun game to play! The level of visual polish here is unreal.

Things I liked:

  • I really love the visuals (I know I said it before but it bears repeating).
  • I thought the concept of gathering soldiers to fight was soooo good for the theme and implemented very well.
  • I know this is weird but I really liked the transitions from scene to scene. It was really cool :D
  • Love the different boss types! The changing gameplay kept me engaged.

Suggestions for improvement:

  • I think some more audio feedback could be the cherry on top of this.
  • Upping the difficulty imo. I thought it was a pretty easy win.

Really good game! I would love if you could spend some time looking at mine: https://cthemess.itch.io/find-my-way-home

Hey! I thought that you had the beginnings of a really good game here!

What I liked:

  • I think the game design concept is really good and meshes with the theme really well.
  • I liked the set pieces and the character design for the game!

Think to Improve:

  • I think that some more time could be spent getting the game mechanics down. I had issues with the platforming it feels like its fighting against the player which makes the game less fun imo.

I'd love if you could check out my game when you get the chance: https://cthemess.itch.io/find-my-way-home

Congrats on finishing such a polished game! 

Some of my favorite parts were:

  • The art was really good! Like really good!
  • I really enjoyed that there was a story. It made me want to make it to the end to see what happened.
  • I thought the use of buzz sounds for the bees talking was really immersive!
  • I liked the names and details of the different events, this also made the game really immersive. Felt like a real secretary of honey haha.
  • I think the game design is really on point for the theme!

Some suggestions for improvement:

  • Make the game a bit more difficult. I never really felt challenged as I was able to pass each event pretty easily.

Overall I thought the game was really fun and I would love if you could take a look at mine when you get the chance: https://cthemess.itch.io/find-my-way-home

Congrats on finishing such a polished game! 

Some of my favorite parts were:

  • The art was really good! Like really good!
  • I really enjoyed that there was a story. It made me want to make it to the end to see what happened.
  • I thought the use of buzz sounds for the bees talking was really immersive!
  • I liked the names and details of the different events, this also made the game really immersive. Felt like a real secretary of honey haha.
  • I think the game design is really on point for the theme!

Some suggestions for improvement:

  • Make the game a bit more difficult. I never really felt challenged as I was able to pass each event pretty easily.

Overall I thought the game was really fun and I would love if you could take a look at mine when you get the chance: https://cthemess.itch.io/find-my-way-home

I feel like there is a lot going on here but for some reason Im stuck at trying to get past Blinky. If you give a hint I'll take another stab at it.

Play my game please if you have the time: https://itch.io/jam/brackeys-5/rate/926269

I really enjoyed the music, sound effects and visual assets it gave me a strong cute and funny vice. The game design idea overall is very solid and I think it fits the theme well.

The controls were a little difficult for me to get the hang of, which I think is kinda the point, but maybe you could tweak them to have the movement not be so sporadic?

Overall good job!

Thanks for playing! I def need to add the "skip to end of the sentence" functionality. I wanted to get it implemented but left it to the end and couldn't get it working in time.

I love a good puzzle game and I really enjoyed playing this one! I think the use of the game jam theme was really well done!

I don't know what it was but sometimes things felt a little tight. I think it would have been really awesome to move the camera to make it feel a little freer but I understand that you likely needed constraints to get it all done in time.

Great job!

Haha, Im glad you enjoyed the humor! It's super cheesy which I know isn't everyone's taste :D

I'm really impressed with what you managed to do here. I think that these types of puzzle games are so cool but can't get my head around how to design them.

  • I thought that the game's connection with the theme was really good.
  • I like that the gameplay is really easy to understand but hard to master. It makes it easy for me to keep playing because everytime Im like IM SO CLOSE! JUST ONE MORE TRY!
  • I liked the ability to stop once I realized I already messed up and not have to sit and watch.
  • I also think that the game loop is really fast which adds to how easy it is play for longer periods of time.
  • I think that it could be improved by some game music and maybe a  little story around whats going on to try and get the player more immersed. 

Overall a really good game! Rated  and followed for future games :D

I enjoyed the game mostly from the music and the ability to explore so much. It was all very calming. I also really liked the way you incorporated the theme by having higher jumps when you were together with your friend. 

I think some improvement areas are visual and audio feedback when things like shooting and getting shot happen.

Congrats :D

Would love if you played my game 😊

It’s a top-down 2D Shooter where you get more powerful the more friends you gather.


Would love if you played my game 😊

It’s a top-down 2D Shooter where you get more powerful the more friends you gather.


Would love if you played my game 😊

It’s a top-down 2D Shooter where you get more powerful the more friends you gather.
