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Hi rossifer,

this issue happens cause I have frequently sorted all the stufff by hand, and bigger the size more probable is the mistake. Anyways it's a really fast fix that's required.

For your case, I can't find the misplacement, both the "Interiors_48x48" and the "12_Kitchen_48x48" looks fine to me! May it be your game engine settings? Cause I see a blurred outline meaning the pixels are getting a bit squeezed!


You are correct--this was my mistake due to my Unity settings. Thanks for the quick response, LimeZu!

For anyone experiencing the same issue, I increased the Max Size in the tile set inspector to the max value (16384) to fix it.

You are welcome rossifer, and thanks for the little tutorial ;)


This solved my issue, thanks

Great! Check this video if encouter any other optimization issue, it might help! ;)