This was a nice little game to play!
Things I liked:
- Chiptune is great!
- Nice story intro, simple yet effective
- Jump buffer!
- Coyote Time!
- Nice theme connection
- Kiddy Metroidvania
Things I didn't like:
- Terrible font choice, it makes things hard to read (I had the same issue though)
- Who puts "J" as attack for keyboard?! Would have preferred LMB on Mouse (because everyone will have access to the mouse)
- Animations were pretty choppy on the main character (the one that should have had the most attention)
- Controls/jump were floaty
- Jump buffer... lol... it was registering WAY too early
- Took me too long to realize I could kick out ice... looped around way too much
- I didn't get anything from killing enemies ;(
- No real sense of danger, could make long falls, had a lot of health, enemies barely did danger, they were slow
- No checkpoints (so never got around to using K)
Overall, while there's more cons than pros (and more I probably forgot), I did enjoy the game, it was a great entry.