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A member registered Oct 14, 2015 · View creator page →

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Could use another nice playthrough, rate, review. Check out optimized version as well!

Please play, rate, review and I'll do the same!

Rates are ratey fun!

Always looking for a few more ratings :)

Looking for a few more ratings :)

All caught up. Who is going to review and rate my game, and want me to do the same?

Reviewed and rated.

What I liked

  • It was simple to understand
  • Variety of weapon options
  • Sound FX

What I didn't like

  • Couldn't really tell much of a difference between the weapons other than one could shoot through the middle and the other couldn't
  • Long wait time between rounds
  • No music?
  • No theme connection


  • Art

In closing

It was a sweet little game, but I don't think just because you have two things right next to each other, it satisfies the theme connection requirement. I think more weapon options, variety in enemies and different level designs would greatly enhance the game.

Just have to avoid the obstacles, so the junk doesn't hit the rocks. But we'll be making some improvements soon. 

What I liked:

  • Had a good theme connection
  • Sound FX
  • Had a proper menu

What I didn't like:

  • Could not aim with mouse
  • Movement sucked
  • So much wasted time just running around an empty map
  • Music was repetitive

In closing:

It was an okay game, but because of the bad controls, repetitive gameplay and music was getting to me, I quit midway. 

If you could fix the shooting by allowing the aiming of the mouse, I think the other stuff could have been overlooked a bit, but once you had something major breaking your game, it's easy to start nitpicking.

Haha, yeah, Level 2 seemed to get everyone. UE4 is the best!

Haha, shooting aliens in later levels could be really cool! 

Thanks for playing!

What I liked:

  • Music
  • Objectives were clear with pictures
  • Different foods were worth different values
  • Good theme connection
  • Evolving was nice (made me faster at least)
  • Calling those ants are clutch once you get a lot, saves my precious fingersd

What I didn't like:

  • Font choice (it's hard to read)
  • Could not hold down LMB to harvest
  • Instructions were opposite in description on game page
  • Hard to find food
  • It took like 100 clicks to get some syrup on the ground (250 points)
  • No minimap (easy to get lost)
  • After my first mass ant harvest sometimes I couldn't get ants to come help (figured out it was "exhaustion", but no idea what that was and how they recouperate)
  • Could not call additional ants AFTER harvest with other ants has started
  • Had a bunch of negative scores

  • Couldn't eat any mushrooms...
  • No real ending?

In closing:

Super slow start, I was just about to ragequit when I was like...well let's see what happens when I click on this thing...then I started clicking...and it was taking forever....I was about to ragequit again... but I stuck with it... glad I did. I think you need some food literally right in front of the starting point and gradually place the more valuables out far (which may have happened, but due to no mini map and me getting lost as soon as I started, it hurt me)

Overall though, it was pretty cool. Just need to fix all those issues I listed and this could be fun with more levels (or procedurally generated ones).

Unreal Engine is the best :)

Glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, a few of us will be polishing it up this weekend in preparation for patching it up right after ratings are done, should be a much more playable game. 

Reviewed and rated, nice little game.

Things I liked:

  • Nice DOF
  • Music
  • Cute art
  • Theme connection

Things I didn't like:

  • Could easily damage-lock enemies
  • No whoosh sound fx for sword swings
  • Could not cut down tress with sword
  • SoundFX were 2D, Not spatialized. (could hear a battle from 3+ screen away as if it were in front of me)
  • Stupid knights prioritize auto-target skeletons versus following me (even if I am 3+ screens away)
  • Boss didn't do anything until it was like 10% HP, then died fast when my dumb knight buddies finally caught up to me LOL


Need a bit more info in UI, at least the number of knights to find would have been helpful. Um, I guess I got a "Victory" ending, but it wasn't very fulfilling at the end.

Random art/level design issues, like houses floating in air, able to get into the forest to the right of the boss (and almost get stuck in the far back of it). 

Would have been nice to have some powerups/power moves as I got more knights or something, they were basically useless to me. 

Reviewed and rated. 

Things I liked

  • It had a resolution option
  • It had a quality setting
  • Theme connection was spot on

Things I didn't like:

  • You need superman-level reading skill to read instructions on main menu
  • The physics/controls in the game 
  • Music 
  • There was no real challenge, other than grabbing everything fast and getting to the finish line by pushing whatever
  • No sound fx


Overall, it was an alright game, lots of issues though for it to be fun and playable. Fix up the controls and that will get you in the right direction. Next will be to have harder levels that present actual challenges to the player. 

Rated and reviewed! Nice neat little game.


Had no idea what to expect honestly. 

What I liked:

  • Art was super cute (can't lose with Synty)
  • Music was nice
  • Sound FX were good enough
  • Can pick any level
  • Theme connection was there

What I didn't like:

  • Controls kinda sucked. I wish I could use WSAD and control firing of each character
  • Literally in robber's face shooting, but it takes no damage ;(
  • Music didn't loop


It was a pretty neat little game, but there are some UX issues, a proper tutorial, and collision/hit issues that when fixed, could turn it into a masterpiece with a proper storyline and a crapton more levels. 

Rated and reviewed! Nice project.


I went in thinking it was a bad game because of the game description on its main page. Also graphics.

Things I liked:

  • It had a tutorial
  • Music
  • Minimap
  • Gameplay was engaging

Things I didn't like:

  • Tutorial literally says "E" to grab, but when I press it, I crouch LOL (didn't see pickups yet).
  • UI mismatch
  • Had no clue how to use "powerups" in the beginning (eventually, I threw them in the middle)


  • Lots of bugs, but it's a game jam, so understandable


I ended up dying after not figuring out how to kill the shooting red block thing. Overall though, I ended up playing a lot longer than I thought I would, so nice job! Clean up the issues and you had a start to nice project:)

Reviewed and rated

Reviewed and rated. 


I was nauseous. I have some FPS issues (sometimes in VR as well), when there's no proper HUD, or something to not allow me to concentrate on rather than the whole screen.

What I liked:

  • Tutorial in-game
  • Easy to understand objectives
  • It had sounds
  • Music was nice

What I didn't like:

  • Holding forward and pressing jump did not work if you're against a platform
  • Some text hard to read (light text on light background)
  • Terrible voice acting
  • Jumping in the pool had no splash sounds
  • Controls were way too touchy
  • No actual theme connection
  • Music didn't loop properly


  • The colored lights were cool


FPS Platforming sucks in general, it's hard to do right, especially in a game jam. Especially if you have tight jumps. So not sure I was the right target audience for this, it ended up getting a bit frustrating with the precise jumping in First Person. Had to give up after trying to get to the yellow tower 5 times (once I was literally right there, but of course, I somehow fell off the platform) 

I think some level design improvements, fixes to the issues I had, additions to tweak controls would make for a great patch.

Honestly, quite frustrating, reviewed, and rated!


Honestly, I had no clue what was going on, it was way too confusing and I basically rage quit after three tries.

What I liked:

  • Because of the confusion and rage quit, I sadly couldn't find anything I particularly liked

What I didn't like:

  • No tutorial
  • No music
  • No sound fx
  • The controls were on one page, but it was a confusing layout. 
  • No clue what the UI was telling me
  • Art was too simplistic


  • I couldn't find the theme connection due to not being able to play it the way you had intended it to be played, but looking at the screenshots and "merge" (although I couldn't merge at any time, I tried), seems to suggest that there's some connection going on.


IMHO, a proper tutorial would have served you the best here. No music/sound fx, that's ok (not fine, but if the rest was great, it may be overlooked slightly), not everyone can get that in or source it, and not everyone's a great artist, but when the gameplay is so frustrating that no one has a clue how to play it, that's where a lot of issues start to unravel. 

Played and rated!


Hmm, I had to go on Scratch site, versus Itch to play the game... not sure how I feel about that honestly. I almost didn't rate, because I felt it was not a proper submission. Which is strange because it has a WebGL submission that says "click game in the description".

What I liked:

  • Originally, I didn't really think it had a strong theme connection because technically the player is not doing jack but running away, but I guess if you think of the bots as extensions (and it's sort of a reach), and not think about the player at all in the equation, then it's does have one.
  • Full game loop - after  I got all the bots, we had a win-screen!
  • The music was nice to listen to.

What I didn't like:

  • Run-about way to play the game itself
  • I couldn't restart the game in the game on death (with button), had to refresh or do Green Flag thing (which took a second to figure out, never done scratch)
  • Had to redo the tutorial because of refresh
  • The in-game text was hard to read (need better contrast/stroke)
  • Vacuum Sound fx hard on the ears (especially with more bots)
  • Sort of boring (subjective), just sitting and/or running away. No sense of urgency.
  • Bots move randomly
  • Took forever to get all the bots...but nothing really new was going on with the game 


  • The art was alright, it was fine for what it was representing. Enemies had animations. But I feel like a bit more work on the presentation could have been done.


The random(?) movement of the enemies made it a little dull, had they been constantly tracking me (even slower), it would have at least made me think more than just type my review while playing (this is what I'm doing right now because there's so much downtime). Other than that, I feel playtime was artificially bumped up just because of high prices. Having, new enemies, bigger waves (this I noticed only once), each bot purchases, would have made the game more fun. 

Otherwise, I would recommend since someone must have done the Unity WebGL thing, that the game just been done in Unity next time if you're going to be doing a web-based game anyway. 

Congrats on the submission though, while I was a little hard, there were just a lot of little things that piled up, that I think if you thought about for next time, it will help improve the "fun factor" in your jam games!

Thanks so much! 

Haha, "action-movie feeling". Awesome!

Played, rated, and reviewed! Nice entry!


Well after dying a ridiculous amount of times I think I finally got the general idea of the game, but had to ragequit because of balance/control issues.

What I liked:

  • Art was pretty to look at
  • Music was nice

What I didn't like:

  • I couldn't shoot in the opposite direction of movement (no mouse aim)
  • Because of the above, the difficulty was much harder than it should have been
  • No Sound FX for shooting or taking damage


Overall I could see the potential. I just couldn't realize it with the current way shooting things worked. Nice job!


Haha, no worries!

Aye, definitely agree! Will be looking into doing that and doing a patch after ratings are done.


Had to ragequit after falling on my 15th or so try.

What I liked:

  • Art was great (no clue if you did it or not, because all you put was "not"
  • Decent theme connection

What I didn't like:

  • Audio was unbearably loud! No options.
  • Z to shot?! (Intentionally misspelled here ;)), I would have rather had LMB to shoot. 
  • Missing Sound FX
  • No Coyote Jumping
  • No Jump Buffer
  • No tutorial/explanation in-game (like allowing shooting up with W)



I didn't get very far, but with another pass on controls and maybe a bit more context in game, could be fun thing to play in the future!



Made it to Level 12 (which was an accomplishment after being stuck on 10 I think for a good while)

Things I Liked:

  • Options Menu
  • Could use WSAD or Arrow Keys to Move!
  • Puzzle were well-designed
  • Lots of levels!

Things I Didn't Like:

  • Music was a bit too repetitive


  • Theme connection was okay, I mean, half the puzzles you're not merging, sometimes one isn't doing anything


Overall, a very nice entry! I had fun, even stuck around a bit after retrying one of the puzzles at least 10 times, finally getting and moving on before getting stuck again. Which a few difficultly balance tweaks, new music, new art, this could potentially be a nice little release!

(1 edit)


This was a nice little game to play!

Things I liked:

  • Chiptune is great!
  • Nice story intro, simple yet effective
  • Jump buffer!
  • Coyote Time!
  • Nice theme connection
  • Kiddy Metroidvania

Things I didn't like:

  • Terrible font choice, it makes things hard to read (I had the same issue though)
  • Who puts "J" as attack for keyboard?! Would have preferred LMB on Mouse (because everyone will have access to the mouse)
  • Animations were pretty choppy on the main character (the one that should have had the most attention)
  • Controls/jump  were floaty
  • Jump buffer... lol... it was registering WAY too early
  • Took me too long to realize I could kick out ice... looped around way too much
  • I didn't get anything from killing enemies ;(
  • No real sense of danger, could make long falls, had a lot of health, enemies barely did danger, they were slow
  • No checkpoints (so never got around to using K)


Overall, while there's more cons than pros (and more I probably forgot), I did enjoy the game, it was a great entry. 
