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(1 edit) (+1)

The game looks good so far! I'm always eager to play a Regency/Victorian game, as there are too far and few in-between. 

Small error: When meeting Lord Warren Hind in the ballroom, he calls us Dorothea, even though I changed my character's name to something else. And the same happens in the next page.


That’s true! The genre def needs some more love!

Also, yes! Thank you for catching that! Warren is actually using a fake name for Miss Merritt(if you were to use the default name, he’d call you Jane for example) in that scene as they’ve never met and in his mind, pretending to know her will ease some of the gossip others might spread. However, it’s unclear in the current draft, so no worries! I’m going to make that more obvious in the next small update^^