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(2 edits) (+1)

The game is gorgeous loooking, I have to say it's a bit strange that the background is kinda compressed, blurry or low res compared to the character and the blocks and if you decide to fix it, you can add "parallax effect", it's the ilusion of 3d that you can do with moving the backgrounds so it matches on how it would do in real life, I can see being used and look even better. 

I cannot progress the game since it cannot detach the soul from the golem, I'm stuck at the second level. I'm using the keyboard controls, I have read the controls and you have it configured to be Q / D for movement and A for spliting and reuniting the soul with the golem, but that doesn't happen, instead I have the A and D for moving left and right, and space for jumping (Maybe you didn't configured properly the Input manager axes characteristics, you can find in the top Edit > Project Settings (which is near the end of the list) > Input Manager > Axes).

It's sad that I cannot play it whether it's an error build or you didn't configure it properly for keyboard control, because the game looks good in the screenshots, hope you can fix it and I wish a happy game development journey!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi thanks for your comment
Parrallax effect was indeed implemented in our test scenes, we somehow forgot to add it in the final scenes.
I'm sorry to hear you couldn't play it, though I can assure you the inputs are working properly. That said, the controls input in the main menu were written for azerty keyboard layout by mistake but truly the inputs are handle for qwerty. As for the issue you encountered, I think you just didn't hold long enough the split button, we didn't had time or thought about changing the hold value at the end of the jam but it's a long 2 seconds haha

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh ok, I see, I have tried and it worked! lol. 

There is these small things that i haven't told you yet since I think you have probably seen it already, the character is jittering around like crazy while idle (maybe you didn't slice it properly in the spritesheet). another improvement, the animation speed of walking should match up of the speed of the character and the sound effect of the footsteps should also match with speed, it would look and sound cool, maybe you could add a small fade out and in for the ghost hand that goes toward your golem.

(By the way sorry if I sound too annoying, constantly adding new issues that doesn't even matter, I'm sorry, I'm trying to say all the things that can be improved and make the game even a better experience.)

I have encountered new issues, if you go quickly enough in the first level, the second level doesn't load the music neither sound effects. In the third level it took its time to start (I guess you intented that way) but sometimes I cannot hear music neither sound when a new level starts. and wierdly enough my computer is struggling to run it, I think is something wrong how the retries are handled, is getting choppier and choppier every time I retry. The video that I sent has certain bugs that in video explains it better than in words, (first clip: the yellow outline is weird and the enemy on the left is trying constantly to move right and left, maybe you should add a small delay between every time they switch from going left to right, second clip: the flower goes low resolution and the enemy bugs out, and third and last clip: as I said about the audio, it just bugs out. The yellow outline doesn't outline properly to the switch nearest to you, when you press E quick enough the switch doesn't move properly and the pylon on the right switches movement immediately.)

Anyway sorry for bothering you about this small things, I hope you are doing great


Thanks for that feedback!
You don't sound annyoing at all but the contrary, you're providing nice and detailed feedback which is greatly appreciated. Most of the issues you mentionned were fixed 2-3 days right after the end of the jam, I just keep the patch for when the votes end to stay fair.

So far sounds, performance and outline should have been fully adressed, well there is always more room for performance improvements but we greatly improve the way we handle the sounds which should helps significantly for performance. More sounds have been added and fixed, footsteps also fit with the spritesheets now.

For the jittering effect while idle that is due to the fact we draw each sprite of the spritesheet manually, sometimes we're just a few pixels off-center in the draw which creates that jittering effect at the slicing, also animations's speed were not adjusted at all.

I like the idea of the fade out and in for the ghosty hand, in fact I thought about doing something for that so it doesn't disappear right away which looks weird.

The major problem are collisions (the enemy getting sometimes stuck between 2 tiles), truly it's been a real nightmare. While moving the player x and y coordinates manually through a translate works like a charm, we wanted inertia, hence I used AddForce(., ForceMode.Impulse) to achieve that. Two problems emerged : Moving on the sides using an AddForce in Box2D(which is the engine used underthehood by Unity in 2D mode, as far as I know) creates a lot of problems, for that 2D engine, like detecting if our player collider overlap a corner of a tile. There a few workarounds such as composite collider, 2D physics materials, having a capsule/sphere for the foots, the one that worked the best for us was the capsule/sphere collider for the foots. We had all kind of extremely weird behaviour with the other ways. Anyway the best way for us to fix all those physics issues would be to manually programmed the movement and calculate inertia ourself instead of relying entirely on the physics engine, that way we can also clamp easily the total acceleration which for now is kinda unlimited.

Lastly, the enemy is (he has a name, it's Bob \:D/ ) going right and left like a degenerate because he was only programmed to go left and right like a Goomba in Mario. I didn't programmed a way for him to know if he's blocked, it may be something I could do by now but I don't think it's worth the effort comparing the other stuffs to do :D