From the thread, I was going to comment but learned I was playing the old version!
Now the alien saying I came through the portal makes a hell of a lot more sense... heh.
Anyway, as I said, love the cam transitions, models, and screen transitions. Do not like mmb to center cam as opposed to a click-to-drag cam. Might be preference, but I do believe it just gives much smoother control.
For some reason I was unable to jump while up here (with spacebar) and then it worked with rmb, then after jumping once with rmb, I could jump with spacebar again. I know nothing about unity, and wouldn't know what the problem is.
No screenshot for this but after walking out of the mill, as I talked to the alien again, the cam just zoomed into his crotch while he was talking.
I like the visuals a lot, and the movement is good other than that weird spacebar glitch (it happened outside as well). Only dislike the camera control, but that's about it!
Very nice, though, keep it up, man. Cute game
EDIT: didn't know until I saw Khrysdev's comment: you can fly the plane? Or was that the old version? I flew on it and it just fade-transitioned and said thanks for playing.
Also, windows calls the game Leapy Knight instead of Elemental Knight (in the window and in my volume mixer).