I didn't think you would reply omg I'm- (O//A//O)
I think you did a great job with mixing Indonesian culture with fantasy and I already have your next project on my watch list! <3
(The part below this contains spoilers, read at your own discretion)
I forgot to mention in my last comment that I also really liked Rama's route (but Reksa is still my waifu) because of your depiction of mental illnesses. I liked that it took him long to accept his feelings for the MC and that she didn't pressure him into anything and stayed by his side. As a person who has a mental illness, it made me really happy because these kind of things aren't a joke and what we need is not advice, but love and support from the people who mean most to us.
(end of spoiler)
Anyway, great game and you'd best be sure that I'll play every single one that you churn out because you are AWESOME :D