I don't seem to get that option? I've gone on dates with Cassie and Rinny though
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I got this dream where it says that my character wants something more? I'm not sure where to go next, I've rescued Cassie, finished the Manor story, got bulls, got Alissa, Linlin, and Sammy. What I did notice was it said that I'm not ready for the become a domme option for Fawn and ask Cassie about being captured?
I sold all my enchanted gear but with no luck :( I did see a new error on the console tho, I made another playthrough in Winborn which was going well until Chloe joined my household (didn't tamper with her antidote):
SCRIPT ERROR: person.cour_set: Invalid get index 'person' (on base: 'Dictionary').
At: res://globals.gdc:930
SCRIPT ERROR: person.calculateluxury: Invalid get index 'person' (on base: 'Dictionary').
At: res://globals.gdc:1190
SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid operands 'int' and 'Nil' in operator '<'.
At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:795
I have another bug to report. I started another game in Frostford which was doing well until my character stopped gaining energy. The window that pops up when you end a day doesn't show up either so I'm not sure if it's related. Here's the error on the console:
SCRIPT ERROR: _on_end_pressed: Invalid get index 'I66' (on base: 'Dictionary').
At: res://files/scripts/Mansion.gdc:492
Game version: 0.5.6a, Windows 10
Bug: I'm going through a new story mode playthrough where I start in Gorn. After returning with some captured slaves, they don't show up at my mansion which is unlike my first playthrough at Winborn. I've tried it again around four times and the same thing happens, I capture some bandits who don't show up when I return. I don't prefer to quicksell as I'd like to see their stats first and see if any of them are worth keeping. Hope you can tell me what I should do, thanks!
I didn't think you would reply omg I'm- (O//A//O)
I think you did a great job with mixing Indonesian culture with fantasy and I already have your next project on my watch list! <3
(The part below this contains spoilers, read at your own discretion)
I forgot to mention in my last comment that I also really liked Rama's route (but Reksa is still my waifu) because of your depiction of mental illnesses. I liked that it took him long to accept his feelings for the MC and that she didn't pressure him into anything and stayed by his side. As a person who has a mental illness, it made me really happy because these kind of things aren't a joke and what we need is not advice, but love and support from the people who mean most to us.
(end of spoiler)
Anyway, great game and you'd best be sure that I'll play every single one that you churn out because you are AWESOME :D
Finished all three routes yesterday and I have to say, I'm really impressed with how well done this visual novel is. What I love the most is how it is based on Indonesian culture (including the character design of the bachelors) and I learned quite a bit about it. I'd love to see more games with non-white characters and real world cultures. Also Reksa is best guy, don't even try to convince me otherwise.