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It seems you said you've made the music, i liked it! Really fits the ambience and the mechanic of teleporting.

I would recomend a lot that you should highlight the doors because the look exactly like a normal wall.

About the V letter, it should have been fine that you put it some readable text like

"This big V has something writen. Press V to see whatever happens, yay!". Im talking seriously, these both problems almost killed my experience.

About the game, it has a lot of personality! Good choice of art direction!

*edit* I meant Great choice of art direction!


Thank you! 

I did make the music, but it's a bit rushed since it was the last thing I added, but I'm glad it fits! ^-^

For the Doors I tried to make them look like hidden passage ways, but In hindsight they do look like they're just part of the normal walls.

For the V I did consider having a textbox appear from a plaque,  but I wound up getting stuck working on other things like the collision and button/door stuff and wound up forgetting to implement it xD.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game aside from those issues! ^-^

Thank you again for the feedback and suggestions!


Sorry, i meant about the normal passages, they should be highlighted. Anyway, it seems like you had read my mind because i forgot to say that I've got a little confused about the ominous doors, but i tought that was fault of the V puzzle tutorial.

I meant actually about normal passages, those that look like a black rectangle in the north, but it shows nothing when they point to the west, the south or the... not west-? ive got a thick. 

Yhea, they should have their own look, like a gradient shadow or so. Im gonna say it again, cute game!


Ah okay. I get what you mean. I tried to make it look like they lead into somewhere by adding extra ground tiles in that direction, but a gradient fade would've helped convey that they lead elsewhere.