I love this style, the tinier the better :P, Do you use a perticular palette (pico-8 for example)?
Love to look through pixel art and notice you have a particular style that appeals to me and if I were to use any of your sprites I would like to be able to expand on your style with the same palette.
Oh and "Credit is not necessary" that is very admirable to see when there are so many people who spend far too much time chasing credit, take downs or even legal action in some cases. However I would suggest if someone creates a game and has credits to at least pop the creators name under the graphics/art section out of respect.
I'd love to see a Love tutorial to see how to get a little platformer scene up and running (even just a single scene with no enemies, I have no clue where to start with Love even trying to follow tutorials, there seems to be a gap of steps to take to get things rolling in every tutorial that just leaves me clueless lol.