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This game was unfortunately too buggy to play. I read the tutorial which said to press down to start recording your movements, then hit a thorn to replay those movements, but I only got that to work properly once.

In the first level, the thorn is too high to hit, so I can't figure out how to use the ability to press the button, but you can press up to enter the door even if it's all the way down.

In the second level, I was able to get the replay to work and I could stand on another dandelion's head, but the platform is so high that you'd need to stack like 5 of the dandelions to get up there.

Also, it seems like pressing space will put you on the next level, so I was able to look at the 3rd level, but there seems to be an invisible ceiling that won't let you jump very high. Also, if you fall in the hole, there's a solid floor.

Seems like a decent idea, but unfortunately I wasn't able to play it.

I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience playing our game.

Though we didn't encounter and still do not almost any of the bugs you described except the space bug.

And in the second level your solution is wrong it's not a bug.

Thanks for playing anyway.