Hi Sina! I completed the game and it was a lot of fun! :D
First of all, the game looks ASTONISHING! Really good job with choosing colors, low-poly models are perfect, particle effects for attack, dash and trail from the top of a sword are really nice! Can't say a bad word about visuals, you nailed it!
Gameplay was very satisfactory in terms of basic mechanics - jumping, dashing and killing was really fun :) What seems a little off for me is death-progression mechanics, I ended up just dying on purpose first time-or-two to get necessary movements, and then trying my best to beat level. I mean, first two deaths change the gameplay drastically (new movement abilities), then it is more-or-less the same (more damage is the only difference, am I correct?). Also, I didn't notice any difference if I finish the level with death count 3 and 6 for example.
Level design was simple but effective, I liked it :) Once or twice I get confused what to do next (as I failed to notice new path unblock after killing some dudes), but I never got completely lost :)
Also story was a nice addition for me, it kept me going further! I have to admit, ending was a little disappointing for me, I expected a small plot-twist or epilogue :<
Overall, there were some small things that could be polished out, but hey, it's a game jam! :D You managed to deliver consistent and satisfying experience with great visuals! Great job! :)