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A member registered Jan 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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That time spent on polish and tweaking definetely made the difference, good work :)

Thanks a lot! Yeah, we overscoped pretty hard and got almost no sleep from Sunday to Monday, rushed it to the last minute.. ^^ 

I love the corporate-coaching theme xD Unfortunatelly there is quite a lot games with similiar mechanics, but this implements the concept perfectly, very polished and complete game :) Level design was great, every level was another puzzle to solve. Controls feels responsive and smooth. Visuals were really good and consistent with audio. Overall, really polished and good game :) Great job!

I completed it, nicely done! :) Now you can look at ours game ;)

Nice game, enjoyable platformer :) I actually quite liked the story parts between the levels, however writing could be a little better (I missed commas for example), but yeah, the narration pushed me forward, so it was definetely a plus :) I almost stopped playing after second level thinking I have encountered a bug or something, but it turns out that I simply didn't know about the double jump xD 

Overall the game was really nice, great job :) Keep up the good work!

That was really fun, got to the 17th room :D Posted some feedback in your comments, now we'd love to hear what do you think of our game :)

That was reaaaly enjoyable! I had a lot of fun playing it :D At first I wasn't convinced by a fact that you actually don't need to shoot enemies, rather ignore them and run around them, but then I reached further levels and there shooting actually became important to make way for you to reach the door ^^ I feel like a little bit more variety in enemies layout would make the game even more interesting, but it's a detail :) 

Once again, gameplay was really fun, great job with execution of satisfying player mechanics :) Great job!

I indeed had a blast, even a few of them! :D Thanks :)

Thanks man, we're really happy you liked the game :)

I love the writing in this game, it was so cool - cool like Johnny Bomb! I felt in love with the story :D

Blowing things up is always fun ^^ I wish buildings would be fractured to a smaller elements and I felt confused about the destruction counter, it was hard for me to determine which part of buildings were already fully destroyed, and which still weren't.

But taking that aside, I enjoyed the game :D Great job :)

Love to hear that! Thanks a lot for playing :)

Thanks! Your was very nice too! :)

That was fun! :D Cool pixel art graphics, really nice sounds :) I like the concept of dead bodies as clones, this is a nice way to explain this gameplay from the side of story :) 

One thing (I don't know if it was a bug) I encountered was when I was jumping from the moving upwards platform and hitting the ceiling, that would always kill my character. I was assuming that I will only be killed if I stay on this platform long enough to get squashed between platform and ceiling.

The fact of this game being your first jam game makes this entry really impresive! Good job! :)

Thanks, we're very happy you enjoyed our little game :)

Super cool game, very polished, with nicely implemented complementary mechanics :) I don't see how it relates to the topic gameplay-wise, but I enjoyed playing it nevertheless. And the visuals are really great!

Please do, sir! :) I already got familiar with yours, that's was an adventure! :D

Huh, that was... interesting! :D Visuals and sound are just great, it's perfect :D Gameplay-wise it felt a little repetitive, I did 5 rounds of feeding the guerilla and nothing really happen (I only got Mysterious Banana once, on my 1st round), but I guess it's because of randomness? Nevertheless, it was really something else, great job :D

Thanks a lot! We are really happy that you enjoyed our little game! :)

Thanks a lot! I already played, rated and commented yours :)

I did it! Took my 13 minutes, nice touch to show this summary after the end :) The big ramp part was the hardest one for me, but I managed to get through :)

I'm really impressed that you managed to pull off a working, physics-based 3D game for a 72h game jam! I wish there was a category "tech", I'd rate your game 11 out of 10 in there!

I love the simplicity of controls :) It took me some time to learn the rules of destruction, but after I got a grasp of it the game was pure enjoyment :D Not much I can complain about, levels were well-thought, checkpoints were in just right intervals, the game was not too long and no too short for a game jam, visually it looks really solid - so yeah, basically, great job! I had a lot of fun :)

And yeah, music was the best xD

Haha, not a problem, thanks for clarification! Your concerns are totally valid, because: 
1) English in not my native language (but that shouldn't be an excuse I guess, as I'm definitely not the only one :P)
2) The texts were written in the middle of the night in total rush, because deadline were getting closer and there were still so many things to do :D
So yeah, thanks for pointing that out, totally agree there is a room for improvement! :)

Wow, thanks a lot for a very detailed feedback! :D I agree, the game can use some explanations or introduction, we simply ran out of time :F Can I ask what do you mean by things that could be easily fixed in dialogues? You mean the poor writing (:D) or did you encounter some bug?

Thanks again!

Hi guys! I'd love to hear some more feedback about the game we made for this jam :) It's an anti-city builder, where you have to use your powers to disrupt village routines to turn them into chaotic mess!

I've got some time during the weekend, so if you drop me a comment after playing and rating I'd gladly check out your game :) [win & browser]


Yup, different skin is different job :) I agree, introduction is definitely the thing that is missing.

I played and finished your game, nice work! :) I very much like the controls and movement, although I'm not a platformer-expert it feels really responsive and smooth to me. A trail behind the player was a great nice detail :)

Level design was really cool, there was a challenge, both on the side of finding the way/solution and also the execution, meaning actually performing the planned sequences.

I feel like the game could benefit from having at least a few sound effects, as a response for player actions :) 

The two sided history was interesting and fun to follow :D The jam's topic couldn't be feel in gameplay that much, but it is clearly visible in this little-psychotic story ^^ It definitely kept pushing me forward :)

Overall, a simple but very nicely done game, I really enjoyed playing it :) Good job!

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I'm going to play your game right know, I'll rate and post some feedback in the comment :) 

Please consider playing our game, feedback is highly appreciated! Anti-city builder, puzzle game where you use powers to disrupt village routines :)

(1 edit)

Thanks for a GREAT feedback! :)

  • Yeah, the villagers routine and needs systems turn out to be a little overcomplicated, thus it's hard to grasp solely from observing them. Their behaviours should be simpler to be more readable, easier to predict. The villagers always eat / drink when visiting the house, assuming fish and water is available there. Then they proceed with their routines, and it doesn't matter if fish will be delivered to the house a fraction of a second later, or he will carry fish as a fisherman - they can only eat when visiting the house. It's deterministic, but not clearl enough for the player I would guess.
  • We also fell in love with that horn sound, it's so majestic :D You are right, the sound layer can be extended by repairing (as you suggested), burning, extinguishing sounds to name a few. We simply ran out of time ^^
  • Yeah, we approach the topic in a way "their failure is your progress", so your job is to cause others to fail, bring failure to functioning village. You are not failing as a player, so I understand that one can not be convinced by this interpretation :)

Kingdom Rush, dayum, I totally forgot about this one! I put some serious hours into that thing years ago xD I'm really glad you liked the game and again, super-thanks for feedback! :)

That was a blast! I'm really impressed by the procedural generation, all dungeons had a good layout and easy to find entrance :) Shooting and killing monsters was really satisfying - although I had to admit, I usually shot the from distance, where they didn't bother to spot and attack me :D

I felt like the experience from the game could be hugely improved by adding more content and differentiating the levels. Like one or two more enemy types, but the harder ones only starts to appear from dungeon 5/10? Maybe an option to buy some better equipment? I know, I know, it's a game jaw, you cannot do everything :D

The one thing that "hurt" me the most of a fact, that after artefact purchase I loose all my coins :( I had like 700 after the first run, bought the first artefact and boom, after entering the dungeon my coins counter stated 0. That prevented me from collecting coins "in advance" for further purchases. Also, the mechanics of deaths as a currency seems to have a little of unused potential, because I ended up entering the dungeon and getting killed as soon as possible to "grind deaths", but I don't know, maybe it's a difficulty issue?

Random thought: maybe you could earn a "Death Point" for every floor you completed in the moment of death? So dying in 2nd floor grants you 2 Death Points, but dying in 12th grants you 12 Death Points. I don't know if that would do the trick, just shooting in the dark ^^

But taking all of that whining aside, I really enjoyed the game and completed it with pleasure! Player mechanics (moving & shooting) felt really smooth and fun to use, visuals and sound were also really solid! Dynamic lightning with shadows really added extra layer of awesomness to the whole mix. Great job! :)


(1 edit)

That was a very compelling experience! I'm usually not a fan of pixel-art, but man, this game looks so good, visuals are top notch! I very much like the concept of playing with 4 slightly different characters on slightly different levels with different challenges, that was refreshing :)

As mentioned in the previous comments, the main issue for me were controls - and I believe there is no way of opening "Controls" menu after you hit "Start game"? I opened the game in the second tab to check it out :D Random thought: I feel like controls for characters can be a little bit more consistent, for example, every character moves right/left/jump and have special ability under E/Spacebar/LMB/Whatever. This way it would be easier for the player to know what ability he can now use, just by pressing action key.

Some smaller stuff:
- Spikes would not enough distinct from the environment for me, I ran on it several times just because I didn't notice it. Also, death animation on spikes could be more responsive/faster, to give instant feedback.
- Adding sound effects would add another layer of awesomness to the game :)
- I'm not a big fan of shooting bubble animation duration, the guy just stays with his arm extended for too long after shooting the bubble, I want to go and jump on that jelly thing, but I have to wait for animation to finish :)

But this is only me whining :D Animations could use some tweaks in terms of timing, but they look very nice and doing good job of communicating the character actions. After I grasped the controls the game was really fun to play! Having different music tracks for every character was a really nice touch, it made it easier to orient myself who I am controlling know and added a lot of personality to each character. And again, the game just looks gorgeous :) Really great job guys!

Edit: I forgot to mention level design, but that's a quick one, because it was really solid, good usage of different abilities, so nice work in here also :D

Thanks a lot, I'm glad you found it entertaining! :D

Haha, nice coincidence, my birthday is tomorrow :D I'll check out your game this evening! And here is ours:

I managed to get to the big green square on second level :) It took me 3 minutes to actually discover shooting xD Firstly I thought I have to avoid bullets and enemies :D It would be useful to have for example in game texture in the level background with controls. However, I agree with people that commented before me, shooting feels really nice! Also I love that you can shoot enemy bullets, very nice touch :)

The core idea, that you have to push your dead body over the laser and then "take it over" is really good! I wish there would be more levels to play around with this concept. But it actually fits the jam theme really well :) 

Overall, a fun experience! Could use a little bit more polish, but still, I enjoyed it, good job :)

Nice one! I really like visuals and colors in your game, and level design is sooo good! Player movement could be a little bit more smooth, also I keep forgetting which color I should turn spikes/coins to not kill me :D I mean, it would be easier for me if, for example, purple coin/spike is killing me, white is harmless. But I finished the entire game with pleasure! Really nice work :)

Visuals are super cool, game looks gorgeous! For me indicator showing how much more coins I need to collect (or how many I can skip) is a must, there is no way to immediately feel progress after failure without it. Music is very nice, sound effects for collecting coins would be great though :) Controlling your character with a mouse works surprisingly well! Cute and beautiful game, good job!

<3 Thanks!

Beat it! Very nice, the concept is easy to understand and it matches the jam topic perfectly :) Some additional thoughts:

- Game visuals are very pleasant! I love the glow behind the player, coin explosion effect and of course random hats! :D
- The main thing I would consider improving is player movement: maybe it could be a litter smoother (acceleration based, not going full speed in a moment you press a key), also when being in air releasing a directional key doesn't make any difference, but pressing an opposite one does - but only if you start jump when moving, if you start jump standing still, there is no mid-air control. This feels a little inconsistent to me to be honest.
- Another nice touch would be additional effects (particle/sound) for putting dead body on a platform and unblocking a coin (feedback to player, reward for doing something correctly)
- I love the concept from the last level, that was actually really clever!

Overall definitely a fun experience, great job! :)

Super cool!

And here is our game: anti-city builder, where you use your god-powers to disrupt working routines of villagers to turn their settlements into chaotic mess. Mix of puzzle and destruction ^^