indecisiveness on whether I would join or not. At first I wanted, then Friday came and I knew I wouldn't have much time. However, that night I couldn't sleep so decided to make a simple text adventure game for the jam. This meant an entire day wasted, on top of the many hours I knew ahead of time that I wouldn't be able to work on it.
Second problem: The first iteration of my input system sucked to use, and at first it didn't look too bad until I got to write the fight code. Turns out that those need a loop and my old input system did not like that and the best I could do with it was recursion. So..that was even more time wasted.
The third mistake I made: It is a browser game, why do it the old way where you need to run commands to get basic info like available weapons. Just make a button that opens a modal with all the info. So, that was MORE time wasted on stuff that needed to go.
(Do you notice a theme here?)
I also wasted some time because my refusal to use globals made it hard to debug. I know that this goes against common sense, it is just a browser thing especially if your game is often waiting for the user. Basically, if I made my player or dungeon object an easy to access global I could've inspected it whenever I wanted no breakpoints or anything needed. Instead, it wasn't easy to reach from the console so that was not an option.